Coaching Professional Development
As the “Coach of Coaches” within your school district, we would all acknowledge that the continuous improvement and professional development of our respective members (coaches or administrators) is certainly part of the mission of each of our organizations. The NFHS (National Federation of High School Associations) has continued to develop high-quality, user-friendly courses to meet the ever-changing needs of our interscholastic athletic environment. If you have been observing the national landscape, you already realize that enhanced education and certification for coaches is becoming more than a trend.
In the past, we have asked your assistance by sharing the link to the NFHS Coach Education site ( to provide your coaching staff additional resources that are available to them. To those of you who have done such, THANK YOU for promoting the continued, quality education of your stakeholders and coaches.
Please take a moment to view a short, but detailed video from the NFHS that best summarizes the benefits and advantages of certification for your coaches. We have placed the link below and would ask that you consider sharing this video with your coaches. Take a few moments to review the video and I think you’ll agree that this information puts into perspective the benefits of coach certification and professional development.
Providing quality member benefits is one important goal we all have within the OIAAA. We believe the data created by NFHS and its Coaching Certification program provides us value-added options for our respective members. Thanks for all you do for the young people and communities of Ohio.
Bruce Brown, CMAA, AIC
Executive Director
Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association
Importance of Coach Education and NFHS' E Learning Tools for Coaches
FHS Learning Center:
The following link can be utilized (free of charge) for athletic administrators or coaches to enhance their professional development with education-based coaching opportunities. These resources include information about how to use the NFHS Learning Center and courses offered on NFHSlearn. Additionally, there are updates on what’s new and how to become a certified coach through the NFHS National Coach Certification Program
Click on:
Below is an interview with NFHS Executive Director Bob Gardner. In the interview, he explains the importance of Coach Education and the value of the NFHS’ E Learning Tools for Coaches.
Interview on NFHS’ E Learning Tools for Coaches with NFHS Executive Director Bob Gardner