OIAAA Recommends Executive Director Position

During the 2010-2011 school year, the OIAAA Executive Committee appointed an Ad Hoc committee to research and study the benefits of creating a position of Executive Director within the organization. Currently, over 40 state Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Associations (IAAAs) deploy an organizational model which operates by utilizing an Executive Director working with an Executive Board. This trend (utilizing an Executive Director) continues to evolve at the national level as state IAAAs look to become more efficient and deliver enhanced service to its members and member schools.

Although each state IAAA varies in how they conduct their affairs, those IAAAs which utilize the Executive Director model have indicated several significant benefits of such a plan. Areas of noteworthy advantages include (but not limited to):
1. Provides organizational and leadership continuity.
2. Preserves the historical integrity of the organization.
3. Provides a consistent resource base.
4. Creates additional revenue and overall savings for the organization.
5. Fosters stronger partnerships with other state associations.
6. Provides a focused communication conduit within the organization.
7. Encourages visionary and best practice leadership.
8. Creates a more professional and educational-oriented organization.
9. Provides a constant strategic plan focus.
10. Creates a consistent avenue of information exchange between the state IAAA and the NIAAA.
11. Enhances the working relationship between the state IAAA and the respective state High School Athletic Association.
12. Provides necessary support services.

The OIAAA Ad Hoc committee identified specific focus areas that an Executive Director would be of most benefit to the OIAAA. Among these services would be to:
1. Serve as a direct liaison between the body membership and the OIAAA Executive Board:
1. Advise and work with the sitting OIAAA Executive Officers and Board in implementing goals related to the mission of the OIAAA.
2. Work with the OIAAA Executive Board in the development and execution of a long-range (five year) Strategic Plan.
3. Note: The Executive Director would NOT have voting privileges
2. Promote Membership and Member Services:
1. Facilitate strategies to Increase membership in the OIAAA and NIAAA
2. Work with a Membership Chairperson in maintaining an accurate listing and status of members as well as oversee the annual membership drive.
3. Communicate with District directors the status and years of service of membership.
4. Collaborate with OHSAA and the New Athletic Administrators annual conference.
5. Continual promotion and development of benefits of membership to OIAAA members.
3. Oversee direct communication between OIAAA and NIAAA including, but not limited to:
1. Requesting print materials for state membership and state conference
2. Submission of Ohio nominations for NIAAA recognitions (HOF, State Award of Merit, Distinguished Service Award, Certificates of Merit, Kovaleski Award, and Award of Merit).
3. Coordination of student scholarship applications
4. Assist with administration of Professional Development and LTI programs
5. Endorsement of NIAAA board and delegate representation
6. Promotion of the NIAAA Certification Program (RAA, CAA, CMAA)
7. Additional collaboration between OIAAA and NIAAA
4. Be the key communicator (liaison) and nurture relationships with Ohio and national professional administrative organizations in the promotion of the role of interscholastic athletic administrators:
5. Ohio Department of Education
5. Chairperson of Annual State Workshop and Conference:
1. Work closely with host District Workshop coordinator in development of conference agenda.
2. Administer and assist with successful operation of overall conference (including areas involving vendors, registrations, awards, facility contracts, conference printing needs).
6. Organize and maintain the housing of permanent properties of the OIAAA:
1. Records
2. Publications
3. Corporate agreements
4. Conference materials and hard copy items
5. Updating of OIAAA Constitution as necessary
7. Develop and increase OIAAA partnerships/sponsorships:
1. Establish records and contracts upon approval by OIAAA Executive Board
2. Coordinate with OIAAA webmaster sponsorship information and signage per corporate agreements.
3. Nurture opportunities for partnerships that provide value and assistance to members and member schools.
8. Associated duties may include:
1. Association correspondence and mailings
2. Oversee all association publications
3. Assist with coordination of website data and information
4. Serve as legislative liaison
5. Active participation in the National Executive Directors Council (NEDC)
6. Maintain other strategic alliances
7. Assist with coordination annual Section 2 meetings and activities.

Associated duties or expectations:
1. In coordination with the OIAAA Executive Board, initiate a short- and long-term plan (Strategic Plan) to clarify the mission, vision and values of the organization. Within this initiative should be considered:
1. Review of current committees and assignment of duties. Assess efficiency of such programs and determine future action plans.
2. Update and project fiscal pro-forma based upon recent fiscal history and projected revenue from memberships, conference fees and corporate sponsorships
2. Chief promoter of professional development opportunities for athletic administrators:
1. LTI courses (RAA, CAA, CMAA)
2. NFHS Coach Education

Initially, the position will be served on a volunteer basis to insure good fiscal stewardship to the organization. Other state IAAAs currently utilizing an Executive Director have established compensation in the range of volunteer to stipends; in some states, the stipend contains steps for longevity and/or tiered based upon new corporate partnership contracts that are initiated. The OIAAA Executive Committee may consider some level of compensation at a future point in time if the support is fiscally appropriate.

The consensus of the OIAAA Ad Hoc Committee and the OIAAA Executive Committee is to recommend that the position of Executive Director be established and to create an organizational infrastructure which could support a long-term position.

To move forward with such a plan, the proposal of creating a position of Executive Director
will be in the form of a vote among OIAAA members attending the November state conference in Columbus. In addition to the information contained within this article, there will be material included in each attendees packet at the state conference along with a posting on the OIAAA website (www.oiaaa2.wpengine.com).

For additional information regarding the Executive Director position, please contact your OIAAA District representative.