April 25, 2021 OIAAA Executive Board Minutes

OIAAA Executive Board Meeting

April 25, 2021


10:00am Regular Meeting


Welcome Guimond

Additional items

Approval of Agenda Motion: Roberts  2nd  Gary Carries 

Approve agenda


Approve Minutes from March meeting

Motion: Heath 2nd Chuck Carries


  1. OASSA Report Tim Freeman


III. OHSAA Report Doug Ute

Discussion of OHSAA proposal


  1. Financial Report King

Insurance cost will increase for members from 35 cents to 38 cents per member.

Financial report included in the April documents for the meeting.

Motion Gary 2nd Chuck Carries


  1. Reports


Conference Chair Powers


Vendor Chair O’Neal

Nothing New at this time waiting on direction from Gov.

Certification Payne

Awards Shumacher

NIAAA winners will be announced this week

OIAAA scholarships proposing 12 scholarships at approx $300

Motion: Roberts 2nd Beck   Carries 

Allocate 12  $500 scholarships for the 2021 year 


NIAAA State Award of Merit- Joe Roberts

Jon Payne nominated for Kovaleski Award

Citations – No Applicants

OIAAA Award – What to do with 2020 recipients

We could do a video presentation.

2021 recipients need info to Bill by June.

Years of Service – Difficulties getting accurate information- Asking rep to get the

15 year members

Proposing the Awards committees be composed of people currently sitting on the


The SW has asked if they could nominate 5 AD of the Year for  2021 (allowed up

 to 4) The membership agreed to allow the SW to have 5 AD of Year for 2021.


Webpage Frombach

Discussion on Gipper and Erich/Glen will reach out to see if they may want to sponsor. 

We need to update the calendar or take down the calendar feature.

Erich will pull some analytics of website use.


Discussion about AMP and Retired numbers:

Steve asked if we should contact the list of retired ADs to get them to be a part of AMP and should members activate their AMP memberships. 


Newsletter Gillespie

Deadline is 4/30

If you would like to add an athlete to the cover send photos to Glen G.


LTI Gillespie

Summer institute info will come out the week of 4/25

This will be virtually- ZOOM

We are still looking for a newsletter chair- SW has someone interested


  1. Executive Director Report Gillespie

Focusing on the strategic plan 

Will be attending the Section 2 and NEDC

Discussion around the latest OHSAA decisions 


VII. Strategic Plan Renner/Roberts

Will be a separate meeting following regular meeting

VIII. Board Reports

Central Rep

May 13 Central meeting  at Hunting Park

Minority Rep

Participated in a State wide MADA meeting 45-50 participants hoping to branch

out through the OIAAA.  Would like to see a minority focus session at the


Female Rep


Middle School Rep


East Rep

April 30 in person spring conference in cambridge.

Northeast Rep


Northwest Rep

Round table on Wednesday 4/28

Landscape of the NW leagues is changing.

Southeast Rep


Southwest Rep: 

June 2-SWOADA Golf Outing 11:00am-Heatherwoode Golf Course. Dinner and Awards follow golf. 156 Current Members


Motion to adjourn  Gary 2nd Chuck Carries


Next meeting August 8 at 10:00am at the OHSAA. Conference Planning at 9:00am


May 2016 Executive Board Minutes

  1. Action Items:
      1. Additions to Agenda Powers
      2. Approve Agenda Powers
      3. Approve Minutes of 3/16/16 (HANDOUT A) Powers

1st  PHP

2nd BH

Action—approved 8-0

  1. Reports:
      1. Financial Report (FY to date) King
        1. May Financial Report (HANDOUT B)

1st PHP

2nd TE

Action—approved 8-0


        1. Additional budget notes and update through 5/1/16
        2. Other:
          • Insurance (term life) proposal for Membership (HANDOUT B1)  Bruce,

Look at term life and liability insurance.  35 cents per member per month—roughly $4.20 per member per year in total cost additional 2500 term life insurance to a total of $5000, start on July 1

Bruce asking for approval of this change

1st TE  

2nd JR  

Action—approved 8-0


          • Dan Adams contribution  Actual design of what John Glenn will do with contributions still not determined

Action—Already taken, $500 donation


          • Bruce Whitehead donation (HANDOUT B2)  $500 total contribution

1st PHP  

2nd BH  

Action this change is unanimous


      1. Membership Report    King/Brown
        1. Clarify CURRENT Ohio/NIAAA memberships

Randy’s report  15-16 membership form still being used, still receiving confused” submissions.

Bruce comments—16-17 overlap 6 months break point, if purchased after January 1 will go until June 30 of 2017.  Prior, theirs will expire June 30, 2016.

For brochure, slight change at “note to qualify in middle section” must be considered an administrator to receive the OASSA portion of the tri membership.

What about lifetime members?  Would have to make up the difference if lifetime with NIAAA only, so to add lifetime member of OIAAA additionally, would be $150


Should we remove the waived fee for regular/active lifetime membership for the state conference.  Also, add memberships are non transferable.


        1. Update on 2016-2017 Membership Drive
          • Membership Brochure (HANDOUT C)


          • Partnership with OASSA


          • Membership “overlap” concerns with NIAAA
            1. January 1, 2016 and later = good through June, 2017
            2. May, 2017:  Everyone on same cycle
          • Tie-in with Summer Institute (501 and 502)

Bruce, how can we move more people into LTI training.  Push toward new ADs.   So for new MEMBERS for 2016/2017, they will receive 501 & 502 at no charge


        1. Online registration discussion  Changing online provider from Ticket Roar to Ticket Tracker due to increase in cost.  

Include a membership form with brochure for fall distribution and OHSAA meetings

Move toward membership cards now being available only online

      1. OHSAA Report Snodgrass/Brown
        1. Summer Summit collaboration (HANDOUTS D, E & F)  15 registered for 501/502 already.  Pre-registration is moving forward, be sure to share with your respective districts.
        2. Division 1 Football: 4 Regions  
        3. Competitive Balance:  Will eventually need to do a transfer of students into arbiter as this will be how Comp. Balance will be determined.  Arbiter is providing a spreadsheet to make this transfer.
          • Beta testing
          • Discussions with Arbiter
          • Competitive Balance Committee review (May 3)
        4. Other updates—Summer leadership
      2. OASSA Report Baker—absent


      1. NIAAA Report Brown—


Section 2 situation, need two volunteers to assist in the process of selecting replacement.

          1. Potential NIAAA Board Vacancy, Section 2


  • Process (HANDOUT G)


        1. Candidate Review Committee (3 members)
      1. Awards Schumacher


        1. OIAAA Scholarship process—six scholarships, currently have 7 nominations.  Keep all and just use total amount and split up between these submissions.   District reps will need to determine if district board covers cost of scholarship attendees (Bruce will do).   Discussion on topic.  Motion requested on

Move to $400 per submitted scholar

passed—5 to 2

        1. Awarding of OIAAA Scholarships @ DABs (Brown)  
        2. NIAAA Awards:  Ohio nominations in red for this year
          • NFHS Citation, Kovaleski  Jon Payne
          • DSA  Tom Nerl
        3. OIAAA HOF issue  All but one of the submitted districts submitted
      1. Conference Report Brown

Three sessions and six offerings

Early bird activity requests

Asking for suggestions for 2nd Cracker Barrel session—topic would be those with limited personnel resources

3rd Cracker Barrel session –need facilitators and topics for this session

Andy J is working on keynote speaker

Mitch Osbourne speaking and support for the encouragement of multi sport athletes

Program for transition from MS to HS.

Add 2nd cycle of breakouts, focusing on Arbiter

How to engage stake holders on initiatives

Emergency action plan execution Tonya Gruel-Wright & Dean Taylor will present

Student Athlete Leadership Counsel—looking for a presenter.



  • 2016 planning update (HANDOUT H)


        1. Conference “Flow Chart”
        2. “Jerry Lucas” memorabilia fundraiser (info only)
        3. Vendor update and Brochure Poggi About 48 on a waiting list, last year’s vendors get a week lead
      1. Certification Update Payne  exams are in place for this year’s opportunities (CAA)  Registration is still through national.  Exams will be moving toward online, no paper tests after national this year.
      2. Leadership Training Gillespie  for outreach programs, instructors have not been paid.  Glen has asked for input on this practice.  

Motion to consistently compensate instructors

Tim 1st  Phil 2nd passed 7-0

      1. Newsletter e-zine Gillespie  
        1. May timeline: Articles due MAY 1; release May 6  
      2. Website Frombach  asks for submissions on major job openings.   Discussion on district websites with state.
      3. Business Partnership Report Brown–conversation with corporate vendors.
        1. On-site visits (Ohio Team Shop)


        1. New reviews:
          • “New World Newsletter” (Mark Goldberg) (HANDOUT I) proposing three options.  If OIAAA shares this, schools get membership for school @ $250.  2nd– for $5000 offered to all school districts across the state

3rd—OIAAA gets a sponsor to cover this costs.

Bruce will investigate further.  Either get  a sponsor or propose to schools the $250 per school.


        1. Current Partnership Schedules


    1. Discussion Items:
        1. Section 2 Brown/Erickson Send registration by May 20.   Attending will be Section 2 Board Rep (TBA), Bruce Brown, Tim Erickson , Randy King, Paul Powers
          1. Update on MD Section 2 attendees:  BB, TE, RK, PPow, BH, RG + Board rep
          2. Organization of Advance Committee for Ohio Hosting (2017)


  • Update from Joe Roberts  Sandusky area will be used.  Cedar Point will be considered as hosting site, waiting on reply.  Both Kalahari and Cedar Point are available for conference dates


            • Planning Committee (Need to have details for Maryland mtg. in June)
        1. Strategic Planning Updates Brown


  • Sub-group reports/updates: (HANDOUT J)  Brown—due to time constaints of today’s meeting.  Each group needs to come back with time frame and sub sets and report those back within the next two weeks.


          • Strategy 1: Erickson & Roberts
          • Strategy 2: Payne & Gillespie
          • Strategy 3: Brown & Powers
          • Strategy 4: King & Poggi
          • Strategy 5: Brown, Powers & Erickson



  • Timeline for reporting and approval of target items:


          • Set a date (????)
          • Prep information packet:  Members and website


      1. District reports:   
        1. Central: Alyssa Downing absent.  Bo reports just had meeting.  Bo reports


        1. Northwest: Joe Roberts  just had spring round tables, about 70 ADs in attendance.  Will change format for next year.


        1. Northeast: Andy Jalwan  absent.  Conference in April, highest attendance ever about 130.  Included Arbiter and had discussion a part of this.  Oliver Luck spoke


        1. East: Ray Hibbs  Conference took place, included Arbiter training for membership.  Thursday night had awards and presented membership proposal.



  • Southeast: Rick Guimond—April Meeting held-Three Vendors present


Peter Fitzpatrick Ohio Team Shop

Rob Rice of School Pride

Pete Miller of MillCoDesigns, maker of the “The Matt”

Discussed our hosting of the State Meeting have about 15 to 20 volunteers at present.  Spring outing will May 13@Elks’ Country Club, Portsmouth 9AM

        1. Southwest: Phil Poggi   Meeting will be May 10 and a golf outing is  May 23.


      1. Upcoming dates of note:
        1. Spring District meetings:
          • SWOADA—May 10—Sycamore HS
          • SEOIAAA—May 13–Jackson
          • SWOADA— May 23—Spring Golf Outing- Heatherwoode CC


  1. Adjournment: Powers


          1. “Summer Institute”: June 14-16, 2016, OHSAA Offices, Columbus
          2. Section 2 Meetings: June 22-24, Solomons, Maryland


  • “2016-2017 New A.D. Webinars” – determine planning committee  Brown, 15 to 20 people on average in attendance.  last one May 10


        1. Officers, Executive Director, Treasurer:  Summer Strategy Session:  Wednesday, July 27, 2016:  SITE: (TBA) 10 AM
        2. NEXT ALL BOARD MEETING: SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2016, OHSAA Offices, 9:30 a.m.

October 16

November 12 (part of conference)

January 22

March 12

April 30



OIAAA Executive Committee Meeting: October 18, 2015 Minutes


State Conference Planning Committee:


Called to Order:

  • The meeting was called to order by President Tim Erickson at 10:38 am.


Attendance:  X – in attendance

Executive Director:                            Bruce Brown (NE)       x          District Rep. (C)               Alyssa Downey  x

Past President:                                   Matt Shomper (SW)                District Rep. (E)              Ray Hibbs    x

President:                                           Tim Erickson (NW)    x                        District Rep. (NE)             Andy Jalwan     x

President Elect:                                  Paul Powers (NE)    x               District Rep. (NW)          Joe Roberts    x

Secretary:                                           Bo Hanson (C)      x                 District Rep. (SW)            Phil Poggi  x

Treasurer:                                           Randy King (C)      x                 District Rep. (SE)              Rick Guimond   x

LTI/Newsletter Chair:                                    Glen Gillespie (NW)    x

Awards Chair:                                     Bill Schumacher (NE)

Exhibit Chair:                                    Phil Poggi (SW)   x

Website Chair:                                   Erich Frombach (NE)

NIAAA Cert. Chair:                             Jon Payne

Program Chair:                                  Tom Farbizo (E)


OHSAA:                       Dr. Ross           OHSAA:           Jerry Snodgrass    x     OASSA:           Ken Baker

  1. Action Items
  2. Additions to the Agenda:


  1. Approval of Agenda:
  • A motion was made by Phil P. and seconded by Ray H. to approve the agenda.  The motion was carried.
  1. Approval of Minutes:
  • A motion was made by Paul P and seconded by Rick G. to approve the minutes from the

Executive Committee meeting.  The motion was carried.

  1. Approval of Financial Report:
  • A motion was made by Paul P. seconded by Andy J.  to approve the financial report as of 10/18/15.  The balance for checking $9,925.43 savings $104,503.46.  The motion was carried.
  1. Information Items
  2. Membership Report:

Randy K. reported membership was around 470 and the approximately 2/3 of that were dual members.   3 Leagues are currently “all in” with another waiting to send in paperwork.

  1. OASSA Report:
  • Bruce reported for Ken that the State Principals conference is this week.
  1. OHSAA Report:

                        Jerry Snodgrass reported on the mandated use of Arbiter and that it would be replacing

Myohsaa in the fall of 16.  He also led discussion on the ODE changing the PAV requirements      and that the OHSAA wasn’t informed of this ahead of time.  Jerry also spoke to the fact that the OHSAA’s liaison to the AD’s should be included in discussions that directly affect AD’s and that we should push for this to happen.  Jerry asked us to look at representation scenarios as they pertain to tournaments, and that there is a board of directors meeting this upcoming week.

  1. NIAAA Report:
  • National delegates were confirmed. Phil P. led discussion about an NADC hospitality sponsor.



  1. Conference Report:
  • Paul led discussion about Districts confirming their spot for their district meetings during the conference. Each district should be sending $200 to Joe Dash for door prizes.  K. reported currently we have 150 registrations.  B.B. reported   OU is a sponsor now and is looking to become a Corporate sponsor next year so next year OU will have the graduate credit instead of Ashland.  P.P. reports that at 5:30 PM on Saturday the 14 the east district will be working on programs and packets for the conference and that there is an Exec. Committee meeting at 6PM in the P. Suite.
  • Website Report:

E.F. reports that Online payments for membership, LTI and conference is on the website, and gave a list of page hits.  Also to keep sending him info for the site to share.

  1. Awards Report:
  • S. reports that he has most of the bio’s and headshots for the awards winners for the conference and that the years of service award winners have all been contacted.
  1. Leadership Training Report:
  • G. discussed classes for the conference, how much help was needed, and what types of AV equipment was needed. He also stated that he had plenty of people to teach classes this year which was a plus!


  1.   Certification Report:
  • P. reports that the CAA exam is moving to an electronic format and that the national is looking for a procedure to recertify CAA’s and CMAA’s possibly. Make sure to check your membership portal on the NIAAA website as all info is moving to the electronic age.


  1. Newsletter Report:
  • G reports that there is a free pass for this newsletter and that it will be sent out at the end of the week.
  1. Executive Directors Report:

      B.B. led discussion about the new AD’s Webinars and the attendance has been averaging between 15-20 participants.  There have been some slight technical issues which have been resolved.  Next webinar is 10/28/165 and will feature Tim and Phil.  Bruce also discussed our need for a 12 month schedule moving forward with  a start and stop date, so quarterly payments can be made.  Discussion was moved to our contract with the Hilton for our state conference and if we should expand the contract out to 2019.  This was tabled while we explored other options to look at if we need more room as we grow the conference.


III. New Business

E.C. discussed the possibility of having a conference planning committee in place of rotating it around from district to district each year with the pros and cons of each.  R. G. was heavily in favor of this.  We will be discussing this with the membership at the conference this year and it was tabled.


  1. Discussion Items:
  2. District Reports:
  3. Central—Alyssa Downey – Fall workshop date is 10/21/15 and B.B. will be speaking


  1. Northwest—Joe Roberts- Discussed Side Effects at their fall workshop, and also reported about a proposal from the Kalahari for our Section 2 meeting in 17.


  1. Northeast—Andy Jalwan – 11/9 was their next exec. Committee meeting and that there may be a member in the NE who would make a good conference planning chairman.


  1. East–Ray Hibbs- Meeting 10/19 to wrap up the state conference loose ends for this year.


  1. Southwest—Phil Poggi- fall conference on 11-2 at Heatherwood with a break out on Arbiter..


  1. Southeast—Rick Guimond- Membership is up to 55 and Mark Rose has created a twitter account and is working on a website.

            – .


  1. Adjournment:
  2. Next Meeting:

            The next meeting will be on Nov. 14th at 6:00Pm in the Presidential Suite at the Hilton Easton.

  1. Move to Adjourn:
  • A motion was made by Phil P. and seconded by Ray H. to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 1:04 PM.
  1. Upcoming Dates of Note:

            Future Meeting Dates and times:

-Conference planning meetings to begin at 9:00 AM and Executive meetings at 10:00 AM.

Saturday Nov. 14th                   Sunday January 25, 2015

-Sunday March 15th                 Sunday May 17th.


NIAAA Section 2 Meeting Dates:

June 16-18, 2016 Host State:  Maryland                    June 15-17, 2017 Host State:  Ohio

June 15-17, 2018 Host State:  Pennsylvania                June 13-15,2019 Host State:  Virgina

June TBD, 2020 Host State:  West Virginia


Future OIAAA Conference Dates:                   November 15-17, 2015 (E)

November 13-15, 2016 (SE)                                       November 12-14, 2017 (C)


Future NIAAA Conference Dates:

December 11-15, 2015 Orlando, Florida

December 9-15, 2016 Nashville, Tennessee

OIAAA Meeting Minutes – May 17, 2015

OIAAA Minutes—Executive Committee Meeting


State Conference Planning Committee:

Called to Order:

·     The meeting was called to order by President Tim Erickson at 10:30 am.

Attendance:  X – in attendance

Executive Director:                   Bruce Brown (NE) x District Rep. (C)      Alyssa Downey x  

Past President:     Matt Shomper (SW) x District Rep. (E)     Ray Hibbs x  

President:       Tim Erickson (NW)    x  District Rep. (NE)             Rob Eckenrode     x

President Elect:   Paul Powers (NE)    x  District Rep. (NW)          Joe Roberts x   

Secretary:      Bo Hanson (C)        District Rep. (SW)          Phil Poggi

Treasurer:      Randy King (C)      x  District Rep. (SE)              Rick Guimond   x

LTI/Newsletter Chair:       Glen Gillespie (NW) x  

Awards Chair:     Bill Schumacher (NE)  

Exhibit Chair:     Phil Poggi (SW)  

Website Chair:   Erich Fromback (NE) x   

NIAAA Cert. Chair:   Paul Moses x    

Program Chair:   Tom Farbizo (E)

OHSAA:  Dr. Ross OHSAA: Jerry Snodgrass OASSA: Ken Baker 

I.  Action Items

A.  Additions to the Agenda:


B.  Approval of Agenda:

·     A motion was made by Matt and seconded by Rob to approve the agenda.  The motion was carried.

C.  Approval of Minutes:

·     A motion was made by Rob and seconded by Matt to approve the minutes from the  

Executive Committee meeting on March 15, 2015.  The motion was carried.

D.  Approval of Financial Report:

·     A motion was made by Matt to approve the financial report as of 5/17/15.  The balance for checking, $3,706.82, savings, 88,931.98.  The motion was carried.

II. Information Items

A. Membership Report:

·     Matt gave an update on the membership drive. We are close to reaching 500 memberships for the year. Additionally, Matt talked about the “All In “ Membership Initiative.

B. OASSA Report: 

·     No report

C. OHSAA Report:

·     Bruce Brown led a discussion about updates from the OHSAA May Board of Directors Meeting. He also shared that the OHSAA and the OIAAA are interested in starting an AD Advisory Group in the near future.

D.  NIAAA Report:

·     Matt finalized the details for the upcoming NIAAA Section 2 Meeting in Louisville Ky. 

E.  Conference Report:

·     Paul gave an updated report on the 2015 OIAAA State Conference.

F.  Website Report:

Erich gave an update on the website. The AD Toolbox link is up and running now.

G.  Awards Report:

·     No report. More Information will be coming regarding the 2015 winners.

H.  Leadership Training Report:

·     Glen gave updates on the Outreach program in the Southwest and the Summer Institute. Bruce also discussed updates on the New Ad Workshop and the Professional Development Ad Hoc Committee.

           I.  Certification Report:

·     Paul Moses will be retiring. We will need to select a new Certification Chair. NIAAA Certification Chair meeting will be held on September 12-14, 2015 in Indiana at the NIAAA offices.

J.  Newsletter Report:

·     Glen gave an update on the May OIAAA Newsletter.

K. Executive Directors Report:

·     Bruce provided an update the on the following items:

§     Sponsorships

·     Fitzpatrick Media Group

·     Final Forms

·     Ohio University Master’s Program

·     Varsity Athletic (Awards)

§     Contract Extensions

·     Home Team Marketing

·     Side Effects

§     POP Manual

III. New Business

·     Evaluation of Treasurer and Executive Director

§     All positive remarks regarding these two positions

·     A motion was made by Paul and seconded by Tim that the annual salary of the Executive Director and the Treasurer for the next three years should be $6,000.00. Motion passed.


IV. Discussion Items:

A.  District Reports:

1. Central—Alyssa Downey – No report

2. Northwest—Joe Roberts- Spring Workshop went well

3. Northeast–Rob Eckenrode – 120 Ad’s attended Spring Conference


4. East–Ray Hibbs- Working on 2015 State Conference

5. Southwest—Phil Poggi- no report

6. Southeast—Rick Guimond –no Report

V. Adjournment:

A. Next Meeting:

·     Sunday, August 16, 2015 at the OHSAA offices.  Conference Planning Committee meeting will start at 9:00 AM with the Executive Committee meeting to start at 10:30 AM.

B. Move to Adjourn:

·     A motion was made by Paul and seconded by Tim to adjourn the meeting.  The motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM.

C. Upcoming Dates of Note:

Future Meeting Dates and times:

NIAAA Section 2 Meeting Dates:  

June 18-21, 2015 Host State:  Kentucky

June 16-18, 2016 Host State:  Maryland  

June 15-17, 2017 Host State:  Ohio

June 15-17, 2018 Host State:  Pennsylvania              

June 13-15, 2019 Host State:  Virgina   

June TBD, 2020 Host State:  West Virginia

Future OIAAA Conference Dates:  

November 15-17, 2015 (E)

November 13-15, 2016 (SE)     

November 12-14, 2017 (C)

Future NIAAA Conference Dates:

December 11-15, 2015 Orlando, Florida

December 9-15, 2016 Nashville, Tennessee

OIAAA Executive Committee March 2015 Meeting Minutes

Minutes—Executive Committee Meeting



State Conference Planning Committee:


Called to Order:

  • The meeting was called to order by President Tim Erickson at 9:04 am.


Attendance: X – in attendance

Executive Director:                             Bruce Brown (NE)     x          District Rep. (C)              Alyssa Downey

Past President:                                  Matt Shomper (SW) x          District Rep. (E)           Ray Hibbs

President:                                            Tim Erickson (NW)   x                      District Rep. (NE)            Rob Eckenrode     x

President Elect:                                   Paul Powers (NE)   x                        District Rep. (NW)          Joe Roberts

Secretary:                                         Bo Hanson (C)                x                 District Rep. (SW)        Tim Cook

Treasurer:                                         Randy King (C)      x               District Rep. (SE)             Rick Guimond   x

LTI/Newsletter Chair:                      Glen Gillespie (NW)

Awards Chair:                                     Bill Schumacher (NE)

Exhibit Chair:                                     Phil Poggi (SW)

Website Chair:                                    Erich Fromback (NE)

NIAAA Cert. Chair:                              Paul Moses

Program Chair:                                    Tom Farbizo (E)


OHSAA:                       Dr. Ross         OHSAA:           Jerry Snodgrass        OASSA:            Ken Baker      x

  1. Action Items
  2. Additions to the Agenda:


  1. Approval of Agenda:
  • A motion was made by Matt and seconded by Rob to approve the agenda. The motion was carried.
  1. Approval of Minutes:
  • A motion was made by Rob and seconded by Matt to approve the minutes from the

Executive Committee meeting. The motion was carried.

  1. Approval of Financial Report:
  • A motion was made by Rob seconded by Paul P. to approve the financial report as of 3/15//15. The balance for checking $3167.10, savings $93,222.11. The motion was carried.
  1. Information Items
  2. Membership Report:

Membership drive info will be sent in April with a push for national membership to increase.

Discussed discounting dual memberships, and the All in Program.

  1. OASSA Report:
  • Ken Baker reported on the School Secretary Conference dates, 4/13-4/14. KB also discussed days to hours, home schooling, extra curricular participation and had a report to hand out.
  1. OHSAA Report:

Bruce Brown led discussion about Lacrosse still being on the table. BB also discussed the New AD workshop in conjunction with the New Administrators workshop at the Double Tree.

  • NIAAA Report:
  • Matt motioned and Paul P seconded a $500 hole sponsorship for the NIAAA golf outing. Motion carried.



  1. Conference Report:
  • Paul reported on the conference format. Saturday will remain the same. Sunday 8-12 & 1-4 LTI’s. 11:00 vendors and 3-7 conference registration.   Discussion was had about the speaker, breakouts and the social format.
  1. Website Report:

Bruce reported about the best practices AD toolbox on our website and if we had any input to send it so it could be placed in the toolbox for all to read.

  1. Awards Report:
  • Awards are due at the May meeting. Discussed the possible expansion of current scholarships and either changing the value, awarding more or both. Item was tabled.
  1. Leadership Training Report:
  • Profession Development Ad Hoc Committee will meet in may in Lexington and review last years information and will report back.


  1. Certification Report:
  • No Report.


  1. Newsletter Report:
  • Bruce reported that the AD Toolbox is almost ready to roll out.
  1. Executive Directors Report:

     Bruce led discussion and reviewed where we stood with Applaud, Wenger Bear Boss and Final Forms. He was going to discuss further with each of those potential sponsors. Bruce discussed the Strategic Planning committee and their need to ID members. Bring these suggestions to the May meeting and where to host it. Evaluation of Treasurer and ED were tabled due to missing members. Bruce discussed the Award of Excellence and the 4 schools that achieved it.   Section 2 attendees need to commit by the May meeting. 6/17-6/19. Bruce also discussed the procedures of the New AD’s workshop. The cost and a possible reduced conference rate for attendees. The Cincinnati SD and the Toledo SD both met the All In requirements.





III. New Business

Paul P motioned and seconded by Matt to donate $250 to the Vermont association in Kevin Reill’s name. Motion carried.


  1. Discussion Items:
  2. District Reports:
  3. Central—Alyssa Downey – spring meeting is on 4/22 at Huntington Park


  1. Northwest—Joe Roberts- spring workshop will be on 4/29.


  1. Northeast–Rob Eckenrode – award ceremony will be on 4/27&27



  1. East–Ray Hibbs- April 8th spring workshop.


  1. Southwest—Tim Cook- spring golf outing on 5/18 & awards ceremony.


  1. Southeast—Rick Guimond-No Report

            – .


  1. Adjournment:
  2. Next Meeting:
  • Sunday, May 17, 2015 at the OHSAA offices. Conference planning Committee meeting will start at 9:00 AM with the Executive Committee meeting to start at 10:00 AM.
  1. Move to Adjourn:
  • A motion was made by Matt and seconded by Rob to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 AM.
  1. Upcoming Dates of Note:

            Future Meeting Dates and times:

-Conference planning meetings to begin at 9:00 AM and Executive meetings at 10:00 AM.

  •                         Sunday May 17th                   Sunday August 17th
  •                         Sunday October 19th            Sunday Nov. 16th                   Sunday January 25, 2015
  •                         Sunday March 15th              Sunday May 17th.


NIAAA Section 2 Meeting Dates:                       June 18-21, 2015 Host State: Kentucky

June 16-18, 2016 Host State: Maryland                June 15-17, 2017 Host State: Ohio

June 15-17, 2018 Host State: Pennsylvania               June 13-15,2019 Host State: Virgina

June TBD, 2020 Host State: West Virginia


Future OIAAA Conference Dates:                     November 15-17, 2015 (E)

November 13-15, 2016 (SE)                                      November 12-14, 2017 (C)


Future NIAAA Conference Dates:

December 11-15, 2015 Orlando, Florida

December 9-15, 2016 Nashville, Tennessee












O.I.A.A.A. Executive Committee August 2014 Meeting Minutes

Minutes – Executive Committee Meeting
August 17, 2014

State Conference Planning Committee:
• The Planning Committee led by Paul Powers (President Elect) and members of the Northwest District State Conference Committee met from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to discuss the details of the 2014 OIAAA Athletic Directors Conference.
• The Conference will be held on November 16-18, 2014 at the Easton Hilton.
Called to Order:
• The meeting was called to order by Tim Erickson (President) at 10:00 a.m.

Attendance: X = in attendance
Executive Director: __x__ Bruce Brown (Northeast) District Rep. Central(VM): ___x__ Alyssa Downing
Past President(VM): __x__ Matt Shomper (Southwest) District Rep. East(VM): ___x__ Ray Hibbs
President(VM): __x__ Tim Erickson (Northwest) District Rep. Northeast(VM): ___x__ Rob Eckenrode
President Elect(VM): __x__ Paul Powers (Northeast) District Rep. Northwest(VM): ___x___ Joe Roberts
Secretary (VM): ____ Bo Hanson (Central) District Rep. Southwest(VM): ___x___ Phil King
Treasurer: __x___ Randy King (Central) District Rep. Southeast(VM): ___x__ Rick Guimond
LTI / Newsletter Chair: __x___ Glen Gillespie (Northwest)
Awards Chair: ____ Bill Schumacher (Northeast)
Exhibit Chair: __x__ Phil Poggi (Southwest)
Website Chair: __x_ Erich Frombach (Northeast)
Program Chair: __x___ Tom Farbizo (East)
OHSAA: ____ Dr. Ross OHSAA: __x__ Jerry Snodgrass OASSA: __x__ Ken Baker

Page 2 Minutes, Executive Committee Mtg.

1. Action Items
A. Additions to the Agenda:
• none
B. Approval of Agenda:
• A motion was made by Matt Shomper (Past President) and seconded by Rick Guimond (Southwest) to approve the agenda. The motion passed 9-0.
C. Approval of Minutes:
• A motion was made by Tim Erickson (President) and seconded by Joe Roberts (Northwest) to approve the minutes from the 5/18/14 Executive Committee meeting. The motion passed 9-0.
D. Approval of Financial Report:
• A motion was made by Ray Hibbs (East) and seconded by Matt Shomper (Past President / Membership Chair) to approve the financial report as of 8/17/14. The balance as of 8/17/14 was Checking $2,348.95 and Savings $73,638.55.The motion passed 9-0.
E. Budget 2014 – 2015:
• A motion was made by Paul Powers (President Elect) and seconded by Phil King (Southwest) to approve the 2014 – 2015 Budget. The motion passed 9-0.
2. Information Items
A. Membership Report:
• Matt Shomper (Past President and Membership Chairman) reported the following information:
o 2014 – 2015 Membership Campaign and Updates
o # Goals for the OIAAA and NIAAA
B. OASSA Report:
• Ken Baker reported on the following items:
o Elections in the State Senate
o Home Education and Extra-curriculars
o STRS Changes
o House Bills Updates

Page 3 Minutes, Executive Committee Mtg.

2. Information Items
C. OHSAA Report:
• Jerry Snodgrass (OHSAA Asst. Commissioner) presented some updates from the OHSAA
D. NIAAA Report:
• Bruce Brown (Executive Director) presented an update on NIAAA issues.
E. Conference Report:
• Each Committee person presented an update on their portion of the State Conference.
F. Website:
• Erich Frombach (Website Chair) presented updates on the OIAAA Website and analytics from hits on the OIAAA Website.
G. Awards Report:
• No Report
H. Leadership Training Report:
• Glen Gillespie (LTI Chair) led a discussion about the following items:
o 2014 State Conference Classes
I. Newsletter E-Zine Report:
• Glen Gillespie (Newsletter Chair) reported the following information regarding the OIAAA Newsletter:
o Newsletter deadline dates for 2014-2015 will be the following:
 8/21/2014, 10/19/2014, 1/25/2015, 4/21/15
J. Certification Report:
• Paul Moses (Certification Chair) reported information regarding NIAAA Certification.
K. OIAAA Calendar
• Reviewed 2014 – 2015 Calendar dates and times for meetings.

Page 4 Minutes, Executive Committee Mtg.

2. Information Items
L. Executive Directors Report:
• Bruce Brown (Executive Director) led a discussion regarding the following items:
o Business Partnership Report
o NEDC Summer Meeting
o Safe Sport Zone project in June
o OIAAA Summer Work Session
3. Discussion Items
A. NIAAA Section 2:
• Tim Erickson (President) presented an update on NIAAA Section 2
C. District Reports:
1. Central (Alyssa Downing)
o No report
2. Northwest (Joe Roberts)
o Fall Conference, Wednesday, September 19, 2014
3. Northeast (Rob Eckenrode)
o No Report
4. East (Ray Hibbs)
o No Report
5. Southeast (Rick Guimond)
o No report
6. Southwest (Phil Poggi)
o Fall Conference, November 3, 2014

Page 5 Minutes, Executive Committee Mtg.

4. Adjournment
A. Next Meeting:
• Sunday, October 19, 2014
o The meeting will be held at the OHSAA Offices
o The Conference Planning Committee will meet at 9:00 a.m.
o The Executive Committee will meet at 10:00 a.m.
B. Move to Adjourn:
• A motion was made by Paul Powers (President Elect) and seconded by Ray Hibbs (East) to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 9-0.
o The meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.