Sunday, March 18, 2012 @ OHSAA Offices, 10:00 a.m.
(State Conference Planning Committee to meet @ 9:00 a.m.)
XXX Tom Farbizo, Past-President
XXX Mike Ferguson, Central District
XXX Matt Shomper, President
_____ Erik Beun, East District
XXX Tim Erickson, President-Elect
XXX Paul Powers, Northeast District
XXX Bruce Brown, Secretary
XXX Paul Moses, Northeast District
XXX Ralph Young, Treasurer
XXX Chris Fahim, Northwest District
XXX Randy King, Assoc. Treasurer
XXX Tim Cook, Southwest District
XXX Jim Rolfes, LTI Chair
XXX Bo Arnett, Southeast District
XXX Glen Gillespie, LTI Assoc. Chair
XXX Charles Miley, Exhibit Chair
XXX Bill Schumacher, Awards Chair
_____Dan Ross, OHSAA
_____Dick Weiss /TBA, Newsletter Editor
_____Jerry Snodgrass, OHSAA
XXX Jim Harbuck, OASSA
*O.H.S.A.A.: Tim Erickson and Tom Farbizo provided updates from OHSAA:
1. Referendum items up for review. Should have a posting of items within next two weeks.
Key discussion items: Competitive Balance (“success factor”), FB Divisions
2. Association is moving toward “paperless” format; will take time but things are now in place to make that transition.
3. Recent issues have sparked conversations regarding use of and “housing” of tournament checking accounts. Jeff Jordan is working to develop some dialogue and guidelines for tournament managers and school treasurers to review.
4. A “Wheelchair” Committee is exploring competitive options for this segment of school participants.
5. April 24th is a “Booster Summit”; look for information coming out inviting school booster reps and A.Ds.
: Jim Harbuck provided updates associated with OASSA:
1. Pension reform has been hashed about since 2009. Some of the possible changes may soften the timelines. Being reviewed are “COLA” (cost of living adjustments) along with looking at “Defined” and “Contributed” benefits.
2. Briefly discussed the new Teacher and Principal Evaluation process and the training of administrative evaluators.
3. Shared information on the state’s Mid – Biennium Review and HB-116, Bullying)
4. Jim indicates that he is stepping down effective December 31, 2012, but would likely still work through October. Ken Baker has been selected as his replacement with OASSA beginning interviews for Ken’s replacement (as associate director) soon.
LTI – Jim Rolfes & Glen Gillespie:
- Jim will officially step down as of April 1st. He shared his enjoyment in working for the OIAAA in the capacity of LTI Chair for the past 15 years and gave some encouragement to the group to “Stay Professional”. THANK YOU, Jim for all you have done.
- The Summer Institute will not be held t his summer. The plans are to ramp-up the LTI offerings at the State Conference (2 blocks of offerings) and then review for the summer of 2013.
- Jim will line up Mark Nicols to do a Turf breakout session on the Sunday session of the Conference followed by LTI 621 on Monday afternoon.
- Additional notes from Jim:
- OIAAA needs to either purchase additional projectors for LTI classes or secure same for the 2012 Conference.
- Need toreview “advanced classes” that some of our CAA and CMAA administrators may want to have presented. In order to do so, must have qualified instructors to teach. As such, NIAAA does provide a program (upon request) that they would underwrite the cost of a qualified instructor to come into Ohio for the purpose of teaching the class.
- Be aware of the “Athletic Programs of Merit” opportunities. There is additional information on the NIAAA website, but this assessment would provide qualified athletic departments to be recognized on a national level if they meet the criteria.
- NIAAA provides an in-service program to schools for professional development and instruction for your athletic and school personnel.Programs offered are:
- “Your Legal Duties”
- “Management Strategies and Organizational Techniques”
- “Dealing with Challenging Personalities”
- These are 90-minute or 4-hour programs. Additional information can be found on the OIAAA website.
- Continue to emphasize to your member athletic administrators that LTI and certification programs are now accredited by the North Central Association. For those members seeking CEU and other IPDP acknowledgements, this certification now carries critical “weight” with organizations. NOTE: Administrators need to create broad enough professional objectives to include these type of courses for their credit.
NEWSLETTER – Dick Weiss / TBA:
- Bruce updated the Committee with his recent conversation with Dick. Dick indicates that he would be willing to work with a person to take over the newsletter tasks during a transition to the electronic publication (slated to begin in the summer of 2012).
- The final PRINT version of our OIAAA newsletter will be sent out within the next four weeks.
EXHIBITS – Charles Miley:
- Charlie has started conversations with ATC and the Hilton to determine best options for location of vendors and related paperwork. There is a conference being held at the Hilton in June they advise us to observe.
- Charlie would like to push out data to vendors in May. Bruce and Charlie will be working to finalize the Conference Vendor brochure and have it ready to go within the next month.
AWARDS – Bill Schumacher:
- Bill briefly reviewed some of the national timelines and what OIAAA must still address at this point.
- He asked for volunteers to serve on the OIAAA Awards selection committee; Matt Shomper (as President) and Paul Moses (NE rep) to meet with Bill following the meeting to select the OIAAA representative
- NOTE: The Awards Committee made the following selections for the NIAAA awards from Ohio:
- Distinguished Service Award: Tom Farbizo, New Philadelphia HS
- NFHS Citation Award: Paul Moses, Strongsville HS
- Bill will pull together an update of the OIAAA Awards timelines and discussion points of how OIAAA might consider any changes to the current protocols
PROGRAM –Tom Farbizo:
- Tom has shopped the Conference program with J&K Printing (Canton, OH); initial indication is that J&K can provide same quality at the same cost as 2011 program.
- Randy King indicated that there were approximately 425 programs printed for
the 2011 Conference.
- Discussion concerning possible upgrades to the program (per Conference
Vendor option, e.g. —Ad pages and Sponsor options). Tom will discuss same with J&K. Any additional costs for production would likely be absorbed by the additional fees obtained from sponsor ad options.
WEBSITE –Tim Cook:
- Tim indicated that there has been progress made with ScheduleStar andadjustments to the OIAAA webpages.
- Bruce asked if OIAAA was under any contractual obligation at this point with ScheduleStar. Currently, there is NO contract with SS; the last contract expired in February of 2010. Bruce suggested that at some point we would want to revisit this piece and have a sit-down conversation with SS once they have solidified some of their current tech issues.
II. MINUTES —Bruce Brown (from January 2012):
- Bruce had sent electronic minutes to all Ex. Committee members. First by Charles Miley, Second by Tim Cook to accept minutes. All voted to accept.
III.FINANCIAL REPORT —Ralph Young/Randy King:
- Ralph distributed the OIAAA fiscal report for January-February-March (to date).
- Highlight areas:
- There was $14,800 transferred from savings to checking
- Final payment to TCG Booster Solutions was made (this completes the OIAAA obligation to TCG to cover costs of producing the printed newsletter)
- Reimbursements to Ex. Committee members for January mileage along with NIAAA delegate reimbursements
- Initial deposit ($500) made to Hilton-Easton for 2012 Conference
- Ralph indicated concern for the current “low ebb” balances of $4,500 in checking and $21,000 in savings.
- First by Tom Farbizo, Second by Mike Ferguson to accept the financial report. All voted to accept.
* Bruce distributed copies of the proposed Corporate Sponsors and the Conference Vendors/Sponsors brochures. He reviewed how the protocol would be addressed in securing sponsorships in each circumstance:
1. Corporate sponsors will be met with face-to-face and provided an in-depth conversation regarding the mission and current initiatives of the OIAAA.
2. The package options will be defined to potential sponsors but will be flexible in how each option may best be provided for every sponsor. “Everything can be negotiated”.
3. Once a potential Corporate Sponsorship has been identified and a proposal developed, the provisions of such a contract will be brought to the OIAAA Executive Com mittee for final approval.
4. For Conference Vendor Sponsors, the brochure will be distributed when Conference information is mailed to all potential sponsors. Upon request, vendors can be addressed with personal meetings to adjust and develop sponsorships.
* There was discussion relative to booth fees; it was agreed that booth fees would be raised by $100 per table with a $50 discount if the full payment was received before July 1, 2012.
* Within the brochure, there will also be a posting of event sponsorships along with Conference Program advertising.
a. Matt provided an update on the NIAAA Section 2 Summer meeting in Norfolk, VA.
b. The five delegates attending are to complete and turn in their information to Matt ASAP.
c. Dates of this year’s event are Thursday, June21 (evening) through Saturday, June 23
C. Budget Review & Approval:
a. Matt distributed a proposed budget and related adjustments (i.e., budget cuts)
b. (See previously distributed budget proposal)
c. Discussion regarding the mileage reimbursement discussion was tabled until the May meeting to better assess actual cost factors.
d. Matt asked Randy to forward the current chair stipends for review.
e. Discussion focused upon need for fee incr eases involving annual dues and conference registration fees:
i. Annual dues were raised from $35 to $50 in 2011.
ii. Costs pp at the Hilton will increase slightly; need to absorb that additional cost from somewhere.
iii. Recommended adjustments:
1. Leave member fee at current rate of $50
2. Raise the Conference fee for members from $70 to $95 to cover anticipated increases in venue costs
3. Create a “Non-member” Conference fee of $150
4. Raise “Lifetime Members” for retired athletic administrators from $100 to $200.
iv. First by Tom Farbizo, Second by Tim Cook to approve raises in membership and conference fees. All voted to approve.
f. An associated note: The Membership Registration form and the Conference Registration was discussed as being non-user friendly. To accommodate a “cleaner” version and to provide ease of access to information, the form(s) will be reviewed, edited and proposed in a new draft (Randy King to help provide edits)
D. UPDATE–OIAAA Conference:
a. Matt indicated that the review of the 2012 Conference agenda is being finalized by SW District.
b. Twyla Gillespie will investigate options for a “Spouse Program” to be offered on Sunday and/or Monday of the conference.
c. Final review and approval of the 2012 conference will be made at the May Ex. Committee meeting.
d. Thanks to SW District for pulling together a solid Conference agenda.
A. Selection of Executive Director:
a. Steve Conley (Fairbanks HS) and Bruce Brown are the two candidates who have expressed interest in the Executive Director position.
Steve submitted responses to a series of questions. Bruce was interviewed by a small committee of Ex. Committee members prior to the general Meeting.
b. Bruce was excused from the room while the Ex. Committee met to discuss their selection decision.
c. Upon Bruce return, First by Tim Cook, Second by Tom Farbizo to nominate Bruce Brown as Executive Director of the OIAAA. All voted to approve.
e. Conditions of service:
i.Reimbursement for mileage and expenses directly related to attendance at OIAAA-related conferences and meetings to be at same rate and opportunities and current Executive Board members.
ii. Compensation of 10% of any new Corporate Sponsorships brought in to contract with the OIAAA.
f. NOTE: As Bruce currently serves as the Secretary for OIAAA, the NE District will discuss and recommend a replacement for Bruce in this position. This person would then assume the duties for the balance of the eight-year officer rotation.
B. Membership Insurance Option:
a. Bruce shared current discussions to provide a liability and ADD (accidental death and dismemberment) insurance piece for OIAAA members.
b. K&K Insurance in currently working with some other state IAAs in this area. Bruce will have an update with associated cost an
d benefit package at the May meeting.
B. EAST Annual Spring Conference, April 27th
C. NORTHEAST Annual Spring Conference, April 23rd, Cuyahoga Falls
D. NORTHWEST Spring Conference, April 17th @ three different sites
F. SOUTHWEST: Annual Spring Outing, May 21st. Tim also reported that longtime member, Bob Huehl is recovering from surgery.
Additional Note:
NIAAA Executive Director, Bruce Whitehead’s father passed away this past week. A decision to provide a donation to the NIAAA endowment fund in Delbert Whitehead’s name will be made at our May meeting.
Motion to adjourn: First by Chris Fahim, Second by Mike Ferguson. All voted to approve. Meeting adjourned at 1:24 p.m.
Sunday, May 20, 2012 @ 10:00–Conference Planning at 9:00
Sunday, August 19, 2012 @ 10:00–Conference Planning at 9:00
Sunday, October 21, 2012 @ 10:00-Conference Planning at 9:00
State Conference = November 11-13, 2012
National Conference = December 14-18, 2012 in San Antonio, Texas