OIAAA Establishes New Record for “Dual” Memberships at 550!

  • For the 5th consecutive year, the OIAAA has established record membership in both the and the NIAAA. Ohio had 550 “dual” (OIAAA and NIAAA) members in 2016-17. 67% of high schools in Ohio are current NIAAA members.
  • Currently, Ohio is fourth in the nation with dual memberships.  Only New York, Indiana and Michigan have more dual members in their state.



The 2017 OIAAA Conference Vendor Show – SOLD OUT!!!

The 2017 Vendor Show – SOLD OUT!!!

Additional Vendor Show questions can be sent to Phil Poggi, Vendor Chair, poggip@sycamoreschools.org


One 6’x 8’ booth is $400 .

Full payment must accompany returned contract to guarantee your space. Each vendor is expected to supply one appropriate door prize to be awarded during the Sunday Night Networking Event. Each booth is provided with pipe frame, back and side drapes, chairs, table with cover and skirting and an identification sign.

Vendor Benefits

 Exhibit Hall open 11.5 hours

 Vendor Bingo Contest

 Attendees & Exhibitor Networking Social

 Wireless Internet Access

 Reduced room rate

 Exhibit Hall security

 All exhibit areas in Easton or Regents foyers

 Carpeted Hall

 Listing in Conference program (Company, rep name, address, phone, email, website)

 Coffee breaks

 Registration gift and packet (1 per vendor)

 Copy of Conference registrants

Vendor Schedule

Sunday, Nov. 12:

Set-up: 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Conference Registration: 2:00 pm

Booth Hours: 3:00 – 6:30 pm

Conference Opening Session: 6:30 p.m.

Dinner on your Own: 6:30 – 8:00 pm

Sunday Night Networking: 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Monday, Nov. 13:

Conference: 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

Booth Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Breakdown: 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Display Limitations

Exhibitors are not permitted to erect displays or other materials on their booth that would obscure the view of adjoining booths. The front area of each booth must remain clear of obstructions. No display element in this area may exceed 8’ in width. Traffic aisle must be kept clear in conformance with fire code.

Contract & Program Information

All questions, information and contract data should be directed to: Phil Poggi, Vendor Chair, 513-600-3078.

(including Vendor Door Prizes)

Completion of 2017 OIAAA “Summer Institute”


To:                          All Area Media

OIAAA Partners

OIAAA Board Members

Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators


From:                    OIAAA


RE:                          Completion of 2017 OIAAA “Summer Institute”






The Second Annual “Summer Institute” hosted by the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (OIAAA) was completed recently in Columbus, Ohio.  The three-day series of courses and workshops were held June 20-22 at the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) buildings and at Whetstone High School in Columbus.


Course presentations covered a broad range of topics which were focused upon enhancement of interscholastic athletic administrators’ duties in their role as school athletic directors.  Included in these course offerings were topics such as “Enhancement of Outdoor Facilities”, “Deployment of Quality Middle School Athletic Programs”, “Legal Issues involving Title IX, Harassment, Social Media and Risk Management”, “Time Management in the Athletic Office”, “Athletic Fund-Raising Best-Practices”, “New Athletic Directors’ Workshops”, and “Enhancing Curbside Appeal of Your Facilities”.  Additionally, presentations by the OHSAA staff members helped to address topics involving the new Competitive Balance initiative, use of the Arbiter system and OHSAA administrative expectations.


“This was our second summer of offering a range of classes to assist not only our new athletic directors, but also providing our more veteran administrators sessions which will help grow education-based programs in our schools”, stated OIAAA Executive Director, Bruce Brown.  “Our goal in offering this annual workshop-like opportunity is to share best-practices and key ideas to assist our member schools deliver the best educational opportunities through school sports to our students.”


This year’s Summer Institute drew 220 attendees to the various course roster spots. Combined with the 2016 Summer Institute, 500 attendees have filled roster spots which makes the Ohio Summer Institute one of the largest summer workshops for interscholastic athletic administrators in the country.  In addition to the Summer Institute, the OIAAA offers extensive training sessions at their annual State Conference, which will be held November 12-15, 2017 at the Hilton Easton in Columbus.


For additional information about the OIAAA, go to www.oiaaa.org .  The OIAAA can also be found on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ohioiaaa/) and on Twitter (@ohioiaaa) .

48th National Athletic Directors Conference

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The 48th National Athletic Directors Conference and the NIAAA Annual Meetings will be held at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, AZ on December 8 – 12, 2017. Registration will open September 1, 2017.



Aurora High School athletic administrator, Paul Powers, CAA, has been selected as the 2017-2018 Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) Board of Directors’ President.  Powers will assume his one-year role as Board President at the August 10th OHSAA Board of Directors meeting in Columbus.

Powers is in his ninth year as athletic administrator with Aurora City Schools.  Prior to his present position, he was athletic director at Bedford High School for 10 years and served in the same capacity at West Geauga High School from 1993-1998.

He is a 1986 graduate of West Geauga High School and received his Bachelor’s degree in Sports Management at Ohio Northern University in 1991.  He received his CAA certification from the NIAAA in 1996 and has completed 34 of the 40 NIAAA Leadership Training Courses over his career.

During his 24-year career as an athletic administrator, Powers has been recognized by his colleagues for his service and success as an administrative leader.  He has twice received the OIAAA’s “Distinguished Service Award” (2004 and 2007), was selected as the 2009 Northeast Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NEOIAAA) “Athletic Director of the Year”, received the OIAAA “Citation Award” in 2012 and was recognized this past December with the NIAAA “State Award of Merit”.

Powers currently is in his second year of a two-year tenure as President of the OIAAA, having served as President of the NEOIAAA from 2009-2011.  He has served on the NEOIAAA Executive Board for the past 20 years and has been a member of the OHSAA Northeast District Athletic Board since 2012.

As OHSAA Board of Directors President, he will serve his second year on the Board of Directors as the NEDAB representative.

2017 Summer LTC Webinars

Administrators Association



2017 Summer Webinars


We are pleased to announce that the NIAAA will be teaching LTC 501, 502, 503, 510, 611, 626, 630, and 700 via webinar in the summer of 2017. Our webinars offer the opportunity to take courses from the comforts of the office or home and receive the same quality instruction, interaction and networking opportunities as is provided in a classroom setting.

Registration for the 2017 LTI summer webinars is now open! Please note that all wishing to take courses must be current with his/her membership prior to registering.


Courses being offered include:

502 Tuesdays July 25 & August 1
501 Mondays July 24 & 31
503 Wednesdays July 26 & August 2
510 Thursdays July 27 & August 3
611 Tuesdays July 11 & 18
626 Mondays July 10 & 17
700 Wednesdays July 12 & 19
630 Thursdays July 13 & 20

Registration closes June 30, 2017. For more information, please visit our website.

Active Policy Solutions: Update on Policy, Legislative and Related News

The NIAAA has maintained a lobbyist in Washington to assist with the continued support, collaboration and marketing of education-based athletics among our legislators.  We receive periodic updates from these lobbyist on topics that may be applicable to interscholastic athletics and activities programs.

Update on Policy, Legislative and Related News – June 12, 2017

Update on Policy, Legislative and Related News – March 20, 2017

Update on Policy, Legislative and Related News – March 27, 2017

Update on Policy, Legislative and Related News – April 7, 2017