Ask Dr. Ross and OHSAA Attorney Steve Craig…Email Your Question for the OIAAA Conference

Dr. Dan Ross and Mr. Steve Craig of the Ohio High School Athletic Association will be making individual presentations at our 2013 state conference in November.  They have each requested that OIAAA members provide input as to the specific areas they can address in their presentations.
               Please submit a specific topic you would like to have addressed by Dr. Ross or Mr. Craig.  Deadline for submission of topics is NOVEMBER 2nd.  The most popular requests will be shared with both speakers.
Examples of questions/topics:
·       There is continual discussion about what a new Competitive Balance plan might be.  Could you speak to what factors are being considered for such a plan?
·       Are we seeing more Concussion litigation with schools occurring?  What are suggestions to schools to minimize legal risks related to concussion management?
Please send your questions/topics to Bruce Brown (link below) by November 2nd.  The most requested questions/topics will be referred to Dr. Ross and Mr. Craig prior to their respective conference presentations:

New Hotel Information for the OIAAA Conference: Rooms available at Residence Inn


All block rooms at the Hilton are spoken for at this point.  There are now 15 rooms on hold for OIAAA attendees on Sunday, November 16th  and Monday, November 17th  at the Residence Inn here at Easton.  It is only a block away from our hotel and our shuttle can run to and from the properties.  They will honor the group rate of $155.  Mary Kimene is the contact at the hotel: 614-416-4066.  Indicate you are reserving for the OIAAA State Conference at the Hilton


Residence Inn Columbus Easton




3999 Easton Loop West · Columbus, Ohio 43219


The Motz Group and OIAAA Partner to Assure Quality Synthetic Turf Sporting Fields to Ohio-based Schools

TMG New Logo 2013 FINAL


Cincinnati, Ohio: October 8, 2013 – Ohio’s leading provider of high-performance synthetic turf systems, The Motz Group (TMG) is pleased to announce a three-year partnership agreement with the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrator’s Association (OIAAA). 


Since forming in 1956, the OIAAA has continued to be an advocate for member schools by promoting values of interscholastic athletics combined with providing school-based athletic directors with professional development and guidance. OIAAA’s partnership with TMG will provide athletic directors with a synthetic turf vendor who has been fully vetted to provide product excellence and quality customer service.  


“We have the utmost respect for the OIAAA’s core values, and feel they align perfectly with ours. The organization’s focus on delivering education and professional guidance to athletic directors is what sets them apart. The Motz Group is privileged to stand beside OIAAA and actively contribute to their overall mission,” shared Zach Burns, TMG President.


“Our organization strives to partner with providers who deliver consistent quality-infused products, blended with a comprehensive service model. TMG’s approach to complete lifecycle management showcases the long-term commitment they make to their customers and the belief they have in their synthetic turf systems. We hold our membership in the highest regard and only partner with companies we feel are game changers, to which TMG is one,” said Bruce Brown, OIAAA Executive Director.


About the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association

The Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (OIAAA) supports and helps in the professional development of over 1,500 Ohio middle school and high school athletic administrators. Formed as an association for over 50 years, the OIAAA provides multiple training and networking opportunities for member schools.


About The Motz Group

Headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, The Motz Group (TMG) has been building fields and building trust for over 35 years. The Company specializes in synthetic turf, sports field design, construction, removal, replacement, and management. With each field, TMG delivers products for optimal field performance, safety, and durability. To learn more, visit


Success Through Caring


Success Through Caring

By John McCarthy

John McCarthy is a former college basketball coach, Athletic Director and Director of two national collegiate basketball events. Today, he is a sports entrepreneur and travels the country giving the Lessons of the Legends presentation to coaches of all sports at all levels. To learn more about John McCarthy and/or the Lessons of the Legends, please visit To contact John McCarthy, please e-mail him at

Over my career in collegiate athletics, I’ve been intrigued with highly successful coaches. I’m talking about ultra successful coaches that have sustained success on and off of the playing fields for long periods of time. I’m very interested in what we can learn from these highly successful coaches, and I’m interested in learning how coaches can significantly enhance their own programs and their own lives by applying such lessons.

With these thoughts in mind, I began to identify and study multiple coaches in great detail. The result has become a detailed presentation and a booklet. With the popularity of the presentation, I am in the process of turning the Lessons of the Legends into a book and DVD.

As such, I wanted to write this article to focus on one aspect of my research. Please note, and this is important, that this is just one part of a presentation that is typically two-and-a-half to three hours, so this is clearly just one of the many lessons that we can learn from highly successful coaches.

The coaches that I have studied in great detail – and others that I have studied on the surface – have taken great care to create a caring and loving environment within their team. I remind you that I have spent a great deal of time researching some of the greatest “winners” in sports in this country, and yes, a real key to sustaining successful programs is the ability to create this special environment within their teams.

Remember the old saying from former President Theodore Roosevelt, “They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”? This is particularly true within athletics.

In order for coaches to build trust, and build a community where players play their hearts out, they must care. Care about the game. Care about their team. Care about teammates and coaches. The great programs are the ones in which every single member of the team – and coaches – sincerely care about each other.

Mike Harrity, Associate Athletic Director at Notre Dame, spent a great deal of time researching such characteristics of highly successful coaches, which resulted in an excellent book titled, Coaching Wisdom. Chapter One of the book is aptly titled, “Creating a Caring Environment”. Harrity wrote, “In nearly every interview I conducted, many of whom have earned numerous championships at the highest level, it was apparent that they care deeply about their athletes…..caring about your athletes is arguably the most important thing that you can do as a coach…..and it may just win you a championship.”

Sue Enquist, the legendary former UCLA softball coach, said, “It was about kids getting to know each other outside of the ball field, because that does help to make a stronger team…..if we have a team that loves each other, we are at a huge advantage.”

In the book, When the Game Stands Tall, author Neil Hayes writes about legendary DeLaSalle High School football Coach Bob Ladouceur, …. “the key component to his success is the most basic of human emotions – love.” Patrick Walsh, who formerly played for Coach Ladouceur before becoming a Head Coach himself (Serra High in San Mateo), said, “Lad creates an environment where you can cry in front of your friends and tell them you love them. What do they do at the end of chapel service? They hug. Do you know how hard it is to get high school kids to do that? It wasn’t until my first chapel service at Serra that I learned that love is the key to everything they do.”

When players know that you really care about them – genuinely care about them as human beings – then they will pour their hearts out competing for the team. Remember the word that Coach John Wooden’s considered his favorite – and most powerful – in the English language? LOVE. His players would do whatever he asked of them, with all of their effort, mentally and physically, because they knew that he genuinely cared about them.

Said Ed Ehlers, who played for Coach Wooden at South Bend High School: “People ask me, ‘What was so great about Coach Wooden?’ And as I look back, yes, he was a great coach. He gave great pep talks and great practices. But that’s not what I remember. What I remember is him as a person. He was so much more than a coach. Coach Wooden was such an example of sincerity and honesty that I wanted to be like him. We weren’t just players to him. We were people he cared about. He got within you. And you believed in him……If he told you to run through that wall, you’d do it because you believed in him.”

Most college football fans know about legendary Nebraska Football Coach Tom Osborne, yet it was the players who knew how much he cared about them as human beings. Says former Nebraska player Jim Pillen, “Coach Osborne showed me that he cared about me and valued me. After that day, I’d run through a brick wall for him.” Coach Osborne led the Cornhuskers to three National Championships within four years with players that played their hearts out, in part because they knew that their coach cared about them as people.

In Indianapolis, football Coach Tony Dungy took great care to build genuine relationships with his players. Former Colt Don Davis noticed. “You played hard for him because you didn’t want to let him down. There was correction, you were held accountable, which you have to have on the football field, but at the same time you were treated like a man, and he had an ability to connect with athletes from that perspective. And I think because of that, he cared. He knew my wife’s name. He would ask how my day was going. I think that was his gift. His ability to connect, and because you knew he cared about you as a man, it makes you want to play for him all the more.”

As a Coach, you have a tremendous opportunity to be a force for good. You have the ability to impact the hearts and minds of young people. As legendary high school football coach, Bob Ladouceur, said, “I don’t know of another person in America that has a more important job in America than me.” Please remember the importance and value of the coaching platform. With that, I leave you with this important thought from Carl Buechner: “They may forget what you said. But they will never forget how you made them feel.”

Become a Better Leader… LTI Class Information at the OIAAA Conference

The OIAAA continues to promote the professional development and advanced certification of our membership.  At the OIAAA State Conference (, there will be SIX (6) LTI courses offered.  At last year’s state conference, nearly 100 individuals took these courses to improve, innovate and advance their respective administrative duties.  This year’s line-up of LTI classes will provide the same level of professionalism and ideas to allow you to become an even greater leader.
Please review the available courses and dates of LTI courses in conjunction with our OIAAA State Conference.  For additional information about the classes and/or registration, visit:

8 Reasons Why You Should Attend The 2014 OIAAA State Conference – November 16-18

8 reason





























To Register and Get More Information:
Please visit our website and under “Professional Development” > “State Conference” drop-down menus, you will find downloadable forms for registration and the conference agenda. For additional questions, contact Bruce Brown, Executive Director at

2013 O.I.A.A.A. Conference Registration and Information

2013 Annual OIAAA Fall Conference

The Annual OIAAA Fall Conference will be November 17-19, 2013. We are returning to the Hilton Easton this year. Conference information and registration materials are listed below. This year’s conference will feature keynote addresses from Archie Griffin and Jim Tressel.  Click on the links below to view the conference agenda, LTI class offerings, and registration forms.

Archie Griffin and Jim Tressel
OIAAA Fall Conference Speakers Archie Griffin and Jim Tressel


2013 O.I.A.A.A. Fall Workshop


The Columbus Hilton at Easton

November 17, 18 & 19, 2013

Conference Registration

Updated Conference Agenda

Hotel Information

Information on receiving College Credit for attending the OIAAA Conference

LTI Course Online Registration

LTI Course Information Sheet and non online Registration Information

The OIAAA State Conference is presented by