Heat Stroke and Heat Illness: 108 Degrees – Critical Response –


“108°: Critical Response” addresses the dangers of heat illness in high school sports. Through personal testimonies from families who have been affected by exertional heat stroke and interviews with coaches, certified athletic trainers, kinesiologists, and other medical professionals, “108°: Critical Response” looks at the seriousness of heat illness and its underlying causes, as well as how to treat and prevent exertional heat illness.







O.I.A.A.A. Executive Committee May 2014 Meeting Minutes

Minutes—Executive Committee Meeting

State Conference Planning Committee:

Called to Order:
• The meeting was called to order by President Tim Erickson at 10:01 am.

Attendance: X – in attendance
Executive Director: Bruce Brown (NE) x District Rep. (C) Steve Conley x
Past President: Matt Shomper (SW) x District Rep. (E) Ray Hibbs x
President: Tim Erickson (NW) x District Rep. (NE) Rob Eckenrode
President Elect: Paul Powers (NE) x District Rep. (NW) Susie Felver x
Secretary: Bo Hanson (C) x District Rep. (SW) Phil Poggi x
Treasurer: Randy King (C) x District Rep. (SE) Bo Arnett x
LTI/Newsletter Chair: Glen Gillespie (NW) x
Awards Chair: Bill Schumacher (NE) x
Exhibit Chair: Phil Poggi (SW) x
Website Chair: Erich Fromback (NE) x
NIAAA Cert. Chair: Paul Moses
Program Chair: Tom Farbizo (E)

OHSAA: Dr. Ross OHSAA: Jerry Snodgrass OASSA: Ken Baker
I. Action Items
A. Additions to the Agenda:
B. Approval of Agenda:
• A motion was made by Steve C. and seconded by Susie F. to approve the agenda. The motion was carried.
C. Approval of Minutes:
• A motion was made by Paul P. and seconded by Bo A. to approve the minutes from the
Executive Committee meeting. The motion was carried.
D. Approval of Financial Report:
• A motion was made by Matt S. seconded by Paul P. to approve the financial report as of 2/. The balance as of was checking $4229.45, savings $58,007.39. The motion was carried.
II. Information Items
A. Membership Report:
• Randy King passed out and updated list of current members and a goal of 390 members for our next campaign has been set.
B. OASSA Report:
• Bruce Brown led discussion about joining the OASSA if you have an administrative license and that the OIAAA/OASSA would be promoting each other.
C. OHSAA Report:
• Bruce Brown led discussion from the BOD meeting that he attended, listed protocol for recommending coaches, the price of renting the Coliseum and the Safe Sports Zone conference in Newark on 6/11/14.
D. NIAAA Report:
• Bruce had nothing new except the new membership drive.

E. Conference Report:
• Paul Powers led discussion about the conference meeting. Major point being the new program for HOF members and how long if any they will get to speak during the luncheon. Bruce will send out a letter to recipients with the parameters listed. Registration will be pushed out in August and listed on our website.
F. Website Report:
• Erich Frombach listed pages on the site and which had the most “hits.” He also discussed ways to drive more traffic to our site by listing the districts sites and info on our site.
G. Awards Report:
• Bill Schumacher stated that all awards were in and on time.
H. Leadership Training Report:
• Glenn Gillespie/Matt Shomper discussed classes for the summer institute and that at least 5 people would be necessary in order to have the class with the exceptions of 501, 502, 504, 506 and the CAA exam. There will be a new email blast this week.
I. Certification Report:
• There was discussion by the group about possibly having an incentive to become an RAA, CAA or CMAA.
J. Newsletter Report:
• Glenn stated that the due date for submission was 5/13 and that the newsletter would be distributed by the end of the week.
K. Executive Directors Report:
• Motion by Matt seconded by Paul to send Bruce to the NEDC summer conference, motion carried. Motion by Matt seconded by Steve to keep K & K insurance, motion carried. Bruce led discussion about a possible summer strategy retreat in Cincinnati the weekend of 7/25. Kent Smith was nominated for the OHSAA/SEI committee if he accepts. Section 2 attendees were identified for the 6/16-6/20 dates in Delaware. We discussed possible meeting dates and if all need to be in attendance or just executive officers.
III. New Business
Bruce discussed Past Presidents/Legacy Club functions and how we keep in contact with our retirees and how to increase contact with those who have already retired.

IV. Discussion Items:
A. District Reports:
1. Central—Steve Conley – Steve is retiring and will be replaced by Alyssa Downey
2. Northwest—Susie Felver- NW had their roundtable in April with over 75 attendees.
Susie will be replaced by Joe Roberts as the new NW rep but will stay on with the conference committee.
3. Northeast–Rob Eckenrode The NE had their spring conference on 4/28 with 125
4. East–Ray Hibbs-East had their spring conference and golf outing on 4/24-4/25
5. Southwest—Phil Poggi-The SW will be having their spring golf outing on 5/19
6. Southeast—Bo Arnett-The SE had their golf outing in April.
– .

V. Adjournment:
A. Next Meeting:
• Sunday, August 17, 2014 at the OHSAA offices. Conference planning Committee meeting will start at 9:00 AM with the Executive Committee meeting to start at 10:00 AM.
B. Move to Adjourn:
• A motion was made by Phil P. and seconded by Susie F. to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 12:57 PM.
C. Upcoming Dates of Note:
Future Meeting Dates and times:
-Conference planning meetings to begin at 9:00 AM and Executive meetings at 10:00 AM.
– Sunday March 16th Sunday May 18th Sunday August 17th
-Sunday October 19th Sunday Nov. 16th Sunday January 25, 2015
-Sunday March 15th Sunday May 17th.

NIAAA Section 2 Meeting Dates:
June 19-22, 2014 Host State: Delaware June 18-21, 2015 Host State: Kentucky
June 16-18, 2016 Host State: Maryland June 15-17, 2017 Host State: Ohio
June 15-17, 2018 Host State: Pennsylvania June 13-15,2019 Host State: Virgina
June TBD, 2020 Host State: West Virginia

Future OIAAA Conference Dates:
November 16-18, 2014 (NW) Hilton Easton November 15-17, 2015 (E)
November 13-15, 2016 (SE) November 12-14, 2017 (C)

Future NIAAA Conference Dates:
December 12-16, 2014 National Harbor, Maryland
December 11-15, 2015 Orlando, Florida
December 9-15, 2016 Nashville, Tennessee




Social Media Dos and Don’ts for Student-Athletes

by Michael Gaio

A professor of mine in journalism school at Missouri once said (actually, he tweeted): “Social media is like a gun. Smart people will use it as a useful tool, not-so-smart people will shoot themselves in the foot with it.”

Unfortunately, if you’re a high school or college administrator tasked with overseeing your student-athletes on social media, you’ve probably dealt with a few too many virtual foot injuries over the years.

Many schools are now going on the offensive.  Social media seminars for student-athletes are becoming commonplace in high schools and colleges across the country. Last night, I attended such a meeting at Oregon High School near AB’s headquarters in Madison, Wis. Whether they serve as a refresher course or even as a guideline for those considering implementing such a program at their school for the first time, here are a few notes from the meeting.

The speaker was David Petroff, director of athletic communications at nearby Edgewood College. In his role with Edgewood, Petroff is charged with educating student-athletes on best practices for social media.

“I don’t want to scare them, but rather have them see the positives and the power of social media,” he says about his student-athletes. But Petroff noticed that by the time kids reached college, too many bad habits had already formed. Now he speaks to local high schools to try to give kids a head start.

Four Things to Keep in Mind:

1. It’s a tool, not a toy.

Social media isn’t just something for your own entertainment, Petroff says. If used effectively, social media can be an asset to help a student-athlete’s individual brand, their community, their team and the school they represent.

2. Nothing is truly private… ever.

Petroff says there are two types of social media users: Those who realize they are functioning in public and those who don’t. While many kids think they can delete a tweet or delete their Facebook profile if need be, many don’t realize that content posted on the internet can last forever. Content can be captured in screenshots or saved by other users. And that message someone thinks only his or her friends will see? Student-athletes should keep in mind that tweets, Facebook statuses, or Instagram photos could end up being viewed by thousands of people.

3. If you retweet it (or share it), you own it.

Yes, this even applies to people who put that cliche saying, “RTs do not equal endorsements,” on their Twitter profile. That phrase is basically worthless. As Petroff says, “Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences.” This is something with which younger student-athletes struggle. They retweet a trash-talking tweet from a friend and all-of-a-sudden they can be caught in the middle of an ugly conversation over the internet.

Petroff shared the example of Ryan Spadola, now a wide receiver for the Miami Dolphins. In 2011, Spadola was a top wide receiver at the FCS level of college football for Lehigh University. Before an NCAA quarterfinal game, he retweeted “an inappropriate and repugnant racial reference.”

Even though the tweet wasn’t Spadola’s, he was still suspended for retweeting the message.

4. Personal branding: Every tweet reflects who you are.

How are student-athletes choosing to represent themselves? Are they sending the right message about themselves to the public? Petroff reminded the Oregon high schoolers that coaches, college admissions officers and employers all use social media to learn more about candidates. What does your social media portfolio say about you?

When it comes to social media, there are plenty of examples of what not to do. But Petroff says it’s important to provide positive examples of how student-athletes should be using social media.

What Should You Post?

To continue reading this article from Athletic Business, click HERE



Coaches as Role Models

By Dr. David Hoch, CMAA

Have you ever wondered why high school coaches have to be role models and what exactly is involved? While most of us assume that coaches should be role models, this is a difficult question to answer. It is even a more vexing issue when some professional athletes dismiss the notion that they should be role models.

Why can’t high school coaches also take this stance and simply decline to serve? Since athletics is part of the total high school experience and has educational value and significance, you have no choice. By the very fact that coaches are part of this educational process you are and have to be a role model.

While athletics is not the most important part of the educational offerings of a school, it is the most visible aspect. As such, everything coaches do will be easily observed and under constant scrutiny. This may make the coach one of the most important role models associated with our children’s lives and something that is an absolute expectation of the position.

Since a coach doesn’t have a choice of being a role model, what is involved? Everything! Absolutely everything. This means how we act, express ourselves, what we do and even what we don’t do. We are a walking example for our athletes.

There are several areas in which coaches need to be a role model.

  • Sportsmanship. Coaches always need to be under control and conduct themselves with class and dignity. This means showing respect and courtesy to opponents and officials. Coaches can’t expect their athletes to exhibit good sportsmanship if they are berating officials, snarling at clock operators or throwing water bottles. The maxim that actions speak louder than words certainly pertains to coaching.
  • Appearance. What is considered appropriate attire on the sidelines of every sport varies considerably, but it should always be professional and within the parameters of each individual sport. For example, a polo shirt and khaki slacks may be perfectly acceptable for a football coach; it isn’t necessary that he wear a coat and tie.
  • Sound work ethic. While coaches expect their athletes to play and practice hard, they also have to be equally up to the task. Athletes should be able to expect coaches to thoroughly scout opponents, conduct well-planned practice sessions and to have detail-oriented preparation for all contests.
  • Appropriate language. Athletic competition may bring with it occasional frustration and surges in emotion. During these stressful times, coaches cannot use foul or inappropriate language. Athletes do look to coaches and will follow their lead. Educationally, there is no place for inappropriate language in high school athletics.

To continue reading this article from the NFHS Coaching Today, Click HERE

Common Mistakes Made by High School Athletic Directors

by Kevin Bryant
 March 2014

It would not be difficult for any honest interscholastic athletic administrator to fill up a page or two about the mistakes he or she has made and would like to avoid in the future. I’ve been there myself as a former athletic administrator. Reflecting on my own experiences (and mistakes), I’d like to offer a series of tips that will not only benefit novice athletic administrators, but veteran administrators, as well.



1. Your most important job is not paperwork. The important daily details of running an athletic program are critical; however, we must not get caught up in the daily tasks to the point that we miss impacting the lives of those with whom we work.

While I was athletic director at Tigard High School outside Portland, Ore., I would often head to a practice of one of our teams just to get my balance. It might have been a tough day, and seeing student-athletes and coaches doing their thing seemed to right all wrongs in my world while reminding me why I do my job. I also looked forward to my twice-monthly meetings with our Student-Athlete Leadership Team. In this environment, I got to know athletes on a one-on-one basis and connect with them about their lives outside of sport.

To Continue Reading this article from Athletic Business, click HERE

Wall Street Journal Essay: Confessions of an Obsessive Sports Dad

Never mind the wagging fingers of psychologists and self-appointed parenting gurus. When it comes to sports, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with living through your children.
As a young man, I wanted nothing more than to make it to the Elysian fields of the National Football League. Though I had a modicum of success in both baseball and football, my would-be career ended with an injury in college.
Years later, my wife and I had two boys, and little by little I started bringing balls and plastic bats into the living room. Before they were 10, we were practicing every day. Though my boys never made it to the pros, good things came from the hours we spent on practice fields. Football opened the gates to college for one of my sons, and for the other, his early success in baseball put sturdy legs under his self-confidence. And just consider some other products of obsessive sports parenting: Mickey Mantle, Jim Kelly, Tiger Woods, Serena and Venus Williams.
For me, all those years of practice with my boys formed, more than anything else, a special sense of intimacy among us. I don’t regret it—but here’s what I wish I had known at the start.
Watch your emotions: Pressure comes in many different forms. 
As a sophomore transfer to a high-school program that was nationally known for its football success, my quarterback son tossed six touchdowns in his first scrimmage. Truth be told, it was one of the most joyous days in my life. When my son trotted off the field, he could see tears streaming down my cheeks. He did a double take and no doubt got the sense of, “Yikes. This means an awful lot to Dad!” That can be a heavy burden for a teenager to bear.
Be realistic. Young people often develop at vastly different rates. The kid who is slow today may be fast later and vice versa. That can make it difficult to assess just how much is in the bank of natural talent.
One of my boys could have been in the Hall of Fame for Little League hurlers. Kids in town would routinely slap him on the back and say, “See you in the majors.” Every day, he delighted in pitching to me in the backyard. We worked like scientists on technique, and he was running sprints for conditioning before he was 12. Games were almost a joke because he would usually strike out every batter.
But at 13, when other boys were hitting their growth spurts, my guy tipped the scales at less than 100 pounds. And at that point he moved up from Little League, so he was now tossing the ball not from 45 feet but from a daunting 60—a tall order for a boy who measured 4’10”.
Instead of recalibrating my own expectations, I pushed harder. In the process, I transformed baseball for him from a field of fun and dreams into a grinding exercise haunted by the prospect of failure. Two years later, he was done with the sport that had once been such a source of pleasure to him.
Be honest with yourself (and your spouse) about what your kid’s athletic prowess means to you. 
Many fanatical sports parents tell themselves, “It’s just fun. No pressure.” During my college football career, two fathers died from heart attacks in the stands. That should tell us something. If you are going to be a responsible sports tiger parent, you need to acknowledge and come to terms with your feelings.
When he was in high school, my signal-calling son received national recognition one week for his passing. I effused to my wife that I would prefer these kudos for my son to winning the Nobel Prize myself. And I meant it. Her eyes wide, my indulgent wife looked at me as if I had really lost it. Though my sons didn’t know it, I went into therapy to help control the wave of emotions that washed over me during those Friday night football games.
Remind yourself that you are not your child. 
When my son’s college football career ended, I worried that he would feel empty with the game gone. When I told him this, he said, “Dad, I never needed football the way you did.” He had his own relationship with the game, and it was different from mine.
Find some other hobbies. 
Years ago, when I was an assistant college football coach, one of our players came to my office. After some shuffling of feet, he informed me that he was quitting. We talked for a while. Then he sat there looking forlorn. “What’s the matter?” I asked. Staring straight ahead, he confided, “Football is all my dad and I ever talked about. I’m worried we won’t have anything to say to each other anymore.”
—Dr. Marino, a professor of philosophy at St. Olaf College, trains boxers in Minnesota.


OHSAA pushing for better voter turnout among member schools

By John Kampf, The Morning Journal & The News-Herald

POSTED: 04/03/14, 7:49 PM EDT |

The Ohio High School Athletic Association is putting on a full-court press for participation by its member schools.
Commissioner Dan Ross on April 3 said the governing body for Ohio high school athletics is considering legislation that would require the 823 member schools to be part of the voting process for any and all ballot votes.
Speaking in front of a group of writers as part of the annual Ohio Prep Sports Writers Association luncheon, Ross said member schools might soon be required to return their ballots, whether they vote or not.
“There is a referendum item principals will vote on (in May),” Ross said. “(If it passes), you’re required to return your ballot. If you don’t return your ballot, there will be a fine.”
Ross said the referendum, if passed, will ensure school districts at least acknowledge the measures being voted upon. Their options are to vote yes, vote no or simply not vote. But they would be required to return the ballot.

To continue reading this article from the Lorain Morning Journal, click HERE

O.I.A.A.A. Executive Committee March 2014 Meeting Minutes

Minutes—Executive Committee Meeting


State Conference Planning Committee:

Major points of emphasis were presenters, and keynote speakers for the fall conference.  Still seeking 1.

Called to Order:

·     The meeting was called to order by President Tim Erickson at 10:02 am.


Attendance:  X – in attendance

Executive Director:   x Bruce Brown (NE)

District Rep. (C)  x    Steve Conley

Past President/Program Chair:   Matt Shomper (SW)

District Rep. (E)   x  Ray Hibbs

President:      x Tim Erickson (NW)

District Rep. (NE)            x Rob Eckenrode

President Elect:       x        Paul Powers (NE)

District Rep. (NW)      x    Susie Felver

Secretary:     x Bo Hanson (C)

District Rep. (SW)          Tim Cook

Treasurer:     x Randy King (C)

District Rep. (SE)           x     Bo Arnett

LTI/Newsletter Chair:      x Glen Gillespie (NW)

Awards Chair:   x Bill Schumacher (NE)

Exhibit Chair:    x Phil Poggi (SW)

Website Chair:  x Erich Fromback (NE)

NIAAA Cert. Chair:  x Paul Moses

Program Chair:  x Tom Farbizo (E)

OHSAA: x Dr. Ross OHSAA: Jerry Snodgrass OASSA: Ken Baker

I.  Action Items

A.  Additions to the Agenda:


B.  Approval of Agenda:

·     A motion was made by Susie F.  and seconded by Steve C. to approve the agenda.  The motion was carried.

C.  Approval of Minutes:

·     A motion was made by Steve Conley  and seconded by Rob Eckenrode to approve the minutes from the   Executive Committee meeting.  The motion was carried.

D.  Approval of Financial Report:

·     A motion was made by Paul Powers and seconded by Susie Felver to approve the financial report as of 3/16/14.  The balance as of March 16th was checking-$9,989.77, savings-$56,408.39.  The motion was carried.

II. Information Items

A. Membership Report: Randy King

·     Two new members have been added, new membership forms were distributed, and changes were discussed.  The new registration form is now two forms: current and retired memberships.

B. OASSA Report:

·     No Report.

C. OHSAA Report:  Dr. Ross

·     Dr. Ross discussed the state hockey finals, the fall petition (which fell through due to lack of signatures) and the remaining discussion was on Competitive Balance.
A lengthy discussion was led by Dr. Ross and he provided a worksheet that provided direction as to what was being introduced to be voted on this spring.  Questions were fielded and answered by Dr. Ross.

D.  NIAAA Report:   Bruce Brown

·     Discussion was held w/o Bruce in the room about nominating him for the Citation Award and Ralph Young for the Hall of Fame Award.


E.  Conference Report:  Paul Powers

·     Currently still seeking one speaker, will take suggestions.  The vendor fees increased with increased exposure and wi-fi availability.  Social will be in the main ballroom.


F.  Website Report:  Erich Frombach

·     Discussed the site “hits” and which sections of the site had the most activity; Erich also discussed ideas as to how to get more exposure on the site:

–      Try to drive people to the “openings” page.

–       Have the individual districts post info on the OIAAA site also.

G.  Awards Report:  Bill Schumacher

·     Names needed by the May meeting for awards for this year.  Discussion was held about promoting Ohio for awards at the national level

·     Committee will consist of Glenn, Tom, Steve & Paul M.

H.  Leadership Training Report:  Glenn Gillespie

·     Webinars available in April for LTI courses.

·     Ad Hoc Committe to look at professional development and to put together an 18 month calendar listing these events.

·     Summer Institute was discussed again and has been pushed out.

I.  Certification Report: Paul Moses

·     Discussed the development of a mentor program, marketing certification to the principals and superintendents.

J.  Newsletter Report:  Glenn Gillespie

·     Current newsletter is out.  One more newsletter will go out before the end of May.

·     Please have any information by the May meeting to be included in the next edition.

K. Executive Directors Report:  Bruce Brown

·     Discussed Corporate Partners.

·     Discussed the use of Survey Monkey and how to get more results.  Jerry Snodgrass has offered his SM account to provide us the opportunity to draw more respondents.

·     Mark Princehorn has retired and was a member of the SEI committee.  We will need to replace.

·     Discussion was held on Section 2 dates: 6/18,19,20th of June.

·     Discussion was also held about the function of the past presidents, and how to utilize their legacy in a productive way.


III. New Business:

A.  Tech/Software partnership:  Bruce Brown

·     Committee of Steve C, Paul P. Bruce B, Susie F and Scott Kaufman (Lakota HS) will meet on 3/18 with five vendors to see how they can address improvements to entering events “one time” for data entry.

·     The vendors are 8 to 18, Schedule Star, Digital Scout, VNN and Big Teams.


IV. Discussion Items:

A.  District Reports:

1. Central—Steve Conley

Spring Conference on 4/9/14 at Huntington Park at 9:00 AM with baseball to follow.

2. Northwest—Glenn Gillespie

NW roundtable on 4/23/14.


3. Northeast–Rob Eckenrode

Spring Conference on 4/28 at Sheraton Suites in Cuyahoga Falls; Gary Waters keynote speaker.


4. East–Ray Hibbs

Spring Conference/Golf on 4/24 at Atwood Lodge with HOF induction of Kevin Keffer.


5. Southwest—Paul Pogi

Spring Golf outing and dinner on 5/19.


6. Southeast—Bo Arnett

Spring Golf outing on 5/9


V. Adjournment:

A. Next Meeting:

·     Sunday, May 18th, 2014 at the OHSAA offices.  Conference planning Committee meeting will start at 9:00 AM with the Executive Committee meeting to start at 10:00 AM.

B. Move to Adjourn:

·     A motion was made by Steve C. and seconded by Bo A. to adjourn the meeting.  The motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 12:33 PM.

C. Upcoming Dates of Note:

Future Meeting Dates and times:

-Conference planning meetings to begin at 9:00 AM and Executive meetings at 10:00 AM.

-Sunday May 18th  Sunday August 17th

-Sunday October 19th  Sunday Nov. 16th  Sunday January 25, 2015

-Sunday March 15th  Sunday May 17th.

NIAAA Section 2 Meeting Dates:

June 19-22, 2014 Host State:  Delaware  June 18-21, 2015 Host State:  Kentucky

June 16-18, 2016 Host State:  Maryland  June 15-17, 2017 Host State:  Ohio

June 15-17, 2018 Host State:  Pennsylvania                June 13-15,2019 Host State:  Virginia

June TBD, 2020 Host State:  West Virginia

Future OIAAA Conference Dates:

November 16-18, 2014 (NW) Hilton Easton  November 15-17, 2015 (E)

November 13-15, 2016 (SE)     November 12-14, 2017 (C)

Future NIAAA Conference Dates:

December 12-16, 2014 National Harbor, Maryland

December 11-15, 2015 Orlando, Florida

December 9-15, 2016 Nashville, Tennessee