Final Forms, a prime sponsor of the Annual OIAAA State Conference, wants to assist those Ohio athletic directors who are joining the OIAAA for the first time and would also like to attend the 2016 State Conference.  Four (4) Membership/Conference “scholarships” will be awarded this month by FinalForms for the selected athletic administrators who submit their application by Friday, September 30th.


Here are the details:

    • Any current Ohio interscholastic athletic director (either Middle School or High School) who has NOT been an OIAAA & NIAAA member since 2014 is eligible to submit an application for the Final Forms scholarship.


  • The scholarship application form can be downloaded from the OIAAA website


  • Applications will be reviewed by a committee comprised of OIAAA Board of Directors.
  • Four (4) selected applicants will be notified no later than Thursday, October 6th.  A full year’s membership (through June 30, 2017) in both the OIAAA and NIAAA (value = $135) along with full registration for the 2016 OIAAA State Conference (value = $95) will be paid for by Final Forms.
  • NOTE:  
    • Chosen applicants must complete a hard copy of both the OIAAA/NIAAA Membership form along with the 2016 OIAAA Conference registration form upon notice.
    • Housing for the State Conference will be the responsibility of the chosen applicant.

DON’T DELAY!  Download, CLICK HERE, and submit your FinalForms OIAAA “Membership/Conference Scholarship” Application today!

An Important Consideration for the 2016-2017 School Year

August, 2016

To:          Ohio School Superintendents & Principals

From:     Bruce Brown, Executive Director, OIAAA

RE:          An Important Consideration for the 2016-2017 School Year


The Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (OIAAA) is one of the nation’s leading professional organizations for education-based athletics and the school administrators who oversee interscholastic athletics for our students.  In direct partnership with the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) and the Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators (OASSA), the OIAAA stands as the third largest organization of its kind (in total membership) in the country for the specific purpose of enhancing the professional development of athletic administrators and other stakeholders of education-based athletics.


Just as your promotion of continuous education for your academic staff is critical to your schools’ growth and progressive development, there is high value for similar encouragement and support for those coaches, athletic directors and support personnel who touch the lives of our young people literally every day.  The OIAAA is committed to providing professional development opportunities and resources to insure that Ohio’s school-based athletic programs are meeting the educational purposes of each school district.


Many of you may already be aware of the opportunities that exist through membership in our OIAAA.  Among our resources, we provide:

  • Over 40, four-hour “Leadership Training Courses” which are accredited by AdvancEd’s North Central Association CASI (the same organization that accredits your school curriculum) for athletic administrators
  • National Certification for athletic administrators through our Professional Development Academy
  • Monthly online webinars, national Leadership Training Course webinars and valuable links to a repository of downloadable forms and “best practices” for your athletic administrator
  • CEU and college semester credit for attendance at our annual state conference
  • A $2,000,000 liability insurance policy to protect your athletic administrator for activity related to professional duties
  • A $5,000 term life policy for active athletic administrators
  • Opportunities to nominate your student(s) for annual OIAAA scholarships
  • Discounted registration fees for combined OIAAA/NIAAA/OASSA membership


With the myriad of challenges we all face as school administrators, we hope you will consider and support the opportunity for your athletic administrator to benefit from membership in our OIAAA.  Knowing that the person(s) who oversees your students’ athletic opportunities has full access to the very best resources in athletic leadership will likely benefit all of your school community’s stakeholders.


For more information on the OIAAA and membership options, go to:


Have a great start to your new school year!

May 2016 Executive Board Minutes

  1. Action Items:
      1. Additions to Agenda Powers
      2. Approve Agenda Powers
      3. Approve Minutes of 3/16/16 (HANDOUT A) Powers

1st  PHP

2nd BH

Action—approved 8-0

  1. Reports:
      1. Financial Report (FY to date) King
        1. May Financial Report (HANDOUT B)

1st PHP

2nd TE

Action—approved 8-0


        1. Additional budget notes and update through 5/1/16
        2. Other:
          • Insurance (term life) proposal for Membership (HANDOUT B1)  Bruce,

Look at term life and liability insurance.  35 cents per member per month—roughly $4.20 per member per year in total cost additional 2500 term life insurance to a total of $5000, start on July 1

Bruce asking for approval of this change

1st TE  

2nd JR  

Action—approved 8-0


          • Dan Adams contribution  Actual design of what John Glenn will do with contributions still not determined

Action—Already taken, $500 donation


          • Bruce Whitehead donation (HANDOUT B2)  $500 total contribution

1st PHP  

2nd BH  

Action this change is unanimous


      1. Membership Report    King/Brown
        1. Clarify CURRENT Ohio/NIAAA memberships

Randy’s report  15-16 membership form still being used, still receiving confused” submissions.

Bruce comments—16-17 overlap 6 months break point, if purchased after January 1 will go until June 30 of 2017.  Prior, theirs will expire June 30, 2016.

For brochure, slight change at “note to qualify in middle section” must be considered an administrator to receive the OASSA portion of the tri membership.

What about lifetime members?  Would have to make up the difference if lifetime with NIAAA only, so to add lifetime member of OIAAA additionally, would be $150


Should we remove the waived fee for regular/active lifetime membership for the state conference.  Also, add memberships are non transferable.


        1. Update on 2016-2017 Membership Drive
          • Membership Brochure (HANDOUT C)


          • Partnership with OASSA


          • Membership “overlap” concerns with NIAAA
            1. January 1, 2016 and later = good through June, 2017
            2. May, 2017:  Everyone on same cycle
          • Tie-in with Summer Institute (501 and 502)

Bruce, how can we move more people into LTI training.  Push toward new ADs.   So for new MEMBERS for 2016/2017, they will receive 501 & 502 at no charge


        1. Online registration discussion  Changing online provider from Ticket Roar to Ticket Tracker due to increase in cost.  

Include a membership form with brochure for fall distribution and OHSAA meetings

Move toward membership cards now being available only online

      1. OHSAA Report Snodgrass/Brown
        1. Summer Summit collaboration (HANDOUTS D, E & F)  15 registered for 501/502 already.  Pre-registration is moving forward, be sure to share with your respective districts.
        2. Division 1 Football: 4 Regions  
        3. Competitive Balance:  Will eventually need to do a transfer of students into arbiter as this will be how Comp. Balance will be determined.  Arbiter is providing a spreadsheet to make this transfer.
          • Beta testing
          • Discussions with Arbiter
          • Competitive Balance Committee review (May 3)
        4. Other updates—Summer leadership
      2. OASSA Report Baker—absent


      1. NIAAA Report Brown—


Section 2 situation, need two volunteers to assist in the process of selecting replacement.

          1. Potential NIAAA Board Vacancy, Section 2


  • Process (HANDOUT G)


        1. Candidate Review Committee (3 members)
      1. Awards Schumacher


        1. OIAAA Scholarship process—six scholarships, currently have 7 nominations.  Keep all and just use total amount and split up between these submissions.   District reps will need to determine if district board covers cost of scholarship attendees (Bruce will do).   Discussion on topic.  Motion requested on

Move to $400 per submitted scholar

passed—5 to 2

        1. Awarding of OIAAA Scholarships @ DABs (Brown)  
        2. NIAAA Awards:  Ohio nominations in red for this year
          • NFHS Citation, Kovaleski  Jon Payne
          • DSA  Tom Nerl
        3. OIAAA HOF issue  All but one of the submitted districts submitted
      1. Conference Report Brown

Three sessions and six offerings

Early bird activity requests

Asking for suggestions for 2nd Cracker Barrel session—topic would be those with limited personnel resources

3rd Cracker Barrel session –need facilitators and topics for this session

Andy J is working on keynote speaker

Mitch Osbourne speaking and support for the encouragement of multi sport athletes

Program for transition from MS to HS.

Add 2nd cycle of breakouts, focusing on Arbiter

How to engage stake holders on initiatives

Emergency action plan execution Tonya Gruel-Wright & Dean Taylor will present

Student Athlete Leadership Counsel—looking for a presenter.



  • 2016 planning update (HANDOUT H)


        1. Conference “Flow Chart”
        2. “Jerry Lucas” memorabilia fundraiser (info only)
        3. Vendor update and Brochure Poggi About 48 on a waiting list, last year’s vendors get a week lead
      1. Certification Update Payne  exams are in place for this year’s opportunities (CAA)  Registration is still through national.  Exams will be moving toward online, no paper tests after national this year.
      2. Leadership Training Gillespie  for outreach programs, instructors have not been paid.  Glen has asked for input on this practice.  

Motion to consistently compensate instructors

Tim 1st  Phil 2nd passed 7-0

      1. Newsletter e-zine Gillespie  
        1. May timeline: Articles due MAY 1; release May 6  
      2. Website Frombach  asks for submissions on major job openings.   Discussion on district websites with state.
      3. Business Partnership Report Brown–conversation with corporate vendors.
        1. On-site visits (Ohio Team Shop)


        1. New reviews:
          • “New World Newsletter” (Mark Goldberg) (HANDOUT I) proposing three options.  If OIAAA shares this, schools get membership for school @ $250.  2nd– for $5000 offered to all school districts across the state

3rd—OIAAA gets a sponsor to cover this costs.

Bruce will investigate further.  Either get  a sponsor or propose to schools the $250 per school.


        1. Current Partnership Schedules


    1. Discussion Items:
        1. Section 2 Brown/Erickson Send registration by May 20.   Attending will be Section 2 Board Rep (TBA), Bruce Brown, Tim Erickson , Randy King, Paul Powers
          1. Update on MD Section 2 attendees:  BB, TE, RK, PPow, BH, RG + Board rep
          2. Organization of Advance Committee for Ohio Hosting (2017)


  • Update from Joe Roberts  Sandusky area will be used.  Cedar Point will be considered as hosting site, waiting on reply.  Both Kalahari and Cedar Point are available for conference dates


            • Planning Committee (Need to have details for Maryland mtg. in June)
        1. Strategic Planning Updates Brown


  • Sub-group reports/updates: (HANDOUT J)  Brown—due to time constaints of today’s meeting.  Each group needs to come back with time frame and sub sets and report those back within the next two weeks.


          • Strategy 1: Erickson & Roberts
          • Strategy 2: Payne & Gillespie
          • Strategy 3: Brown & Powers
          • Strategy 4: King & Poggi
          • Strategy 5: Brown, Powers & Erickson



  • Timeline for reporting and approval of target items:


          • Set a date (????)
          • Prep information packet:  Members and website


      1. District reports:   
        1. Central: Alyssa Downing absent.  Bo reports just had meeting.  Bo reports


        1. Northwest: Joe Roberts  just had spring round tables, about 70 ADs in attendance.  Will change format for next year.


        1. Northeast: Andy Jalwan  absent.  Conference in April, highest attendance ever about 130.  Included Arbiter and had discussion a part of this.  Oliver Luck spoke


        1. East: Ray Hibbs  Conference took place, included Arbiter training for membership.  Thursday night had awards and presented membership proposal.



  • Southeast: Rick Guimond—April Meeting held-Three Vendors present


Peter Fitzpatrick Ohio Team Shop

Rob Rice of School Pride

Pete Miller of MillCoDesigns, maker of the “The Matt”

Discussed our hosting of the State Meeting have about 15 to 20 volunteers at present.  Spring outing will May 13@Elks’ Country Club, Portsmouth 9AM

        1. Southwest: Phil Poggi   Meeting will be May 10 and a golf outing is  May 23.


      1. Upcoming dates of note:
        1. Spring District meetings:
          • SWOADA—May 10—Sycamore HS
          • SEOIAAA—May 13–Jackson
          • SWOADA— May 23—Spring Golf Outing- Heatherwoode CC


  1. Adjournment: Powers


          1. “Summer Institute”: June 14-16, 2016, OHSAA Offices, Columbus
          2. Section 2 Meetings: June 22-24, Solomons, Maryland


  • “2016-2017 New A.D. Webinars” – determine planning committee  Brown, 15 to 20 people on average in attendance.  last one May 10


        1. Officers, Executive Director, Treasurer:  Summer Strategy Session:  Wednesday, July 27, 2016:  SITE: (TBA) 10 AM
        2. NEXT ALL BOARD MEETING: SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2016, OHSAA Offices, 9:30 a.m.

October 16

November 12 (part of conference)

January 22

March 12

April 30



2016 NIAAA Fall LTC Webinar Schedule


2016 Fall Webinar Schedule

We are pleased to announce that the NIAAA will be teaching LTC 501, 502, 504, 506, 511, 631, 703 and 705 via webinar in the fall of 2016. Our webinars offer the opportunity to take courses from the comforts of the office or home and receive the same quality instruction, interaction and networking opportunities as is provided in a classroom setting.

Courses being offered include:


501 November 1 & 8
502 October 20 & 27
504 October 18 & 25
506 November 3 & 10
511 October 17 & 24
631 October 31 & November 7
703 November 2 & 9
705 October 19 & 26

Registration opens August 1 and will close September 31.

For more information, please call 317-587-1450 or email


Appropriate Social Media for your Coaches & Athletes

As administrative leaders, we consistently strive to provide our teachers and coaches the tools for best practice and appropriate behavior in their respective roles.  Social media concerns and advances make for a critical discussion topic that we all must address and show due diligence in the training of our people.

The National Federation of High School Associations (NFHS) has recently released two, free online courses to assist coaches and students in making appropriate decisions in the use of Social Media. The OIAAA strongly encourages our member schools to provide access to these courses prior to the start of the coming school year.  Below is information as to how administrators can learn more about accessing these free training courses.


New FREE Courses Available at the NFHS Learning Center
Social Media for Students
 Social Media for Students has been designed to give students the information that they need to develop responsible social media habits.  This course illustrates the long-term consequences that irresponsible social media usage can have on a student’s educational, athletic, and professional careers.
Social Media for Coaches 

Through the use of social media, everyone now has the ability to be a mass communicator.  This has greatly impacted the sports industry, including high school sports and activities.  This course is designed to assist you in setting clear boundaries and guidelines for your students’ responsible social media usage.

Navigating the Online Community A brief introduction to the NIAAA member portal

This video tutorial will show you the basics of navigating our online member portal. You will learn how to:

  • log in
  • update your profile
  • view and pay outstanding invoices
  • manage your events
  • find a list of your completed courses

If you have any questions, feel free to call our office at 317-587-1450 or email Nellie Crocker.

Benefits for NIAAA and OIAAA Membership


  • OIAAA membership includes an additional $1,000,000 of liability insurance along with an Accidental Death or Dismemberment insurance.
  • Members will receive the OIAAA electronic newsletter.
  • Members can attend Annual State OIAAA Conference at a discounted rate
  • Members will have access to the statewide list-serve.
  • Receive research expressing importance of education-based athletics.
  • Direct communication to members through social media.


  • Members will have direct linkage with the NIAAA and NIAAA professional development training.
  • Members will have professional connections and representation with other Ohio school administrative organizations (OASSA, OSBAI BASA).
  • Members will be eligible for awards program (annual recognition by peers).
  • Members can pursue leadership opportunities within the OIAAA at the district or state levels.
  • Members may serve and/or receive Athletic Administration mentoring.


  • Members are provided consistent support and training to preserve the educational nature of interscholastic athletics and maintain the place of these programs in the curricula of schools.
  • Members can assume a primary leadership role in the promotion of Coach Education in Ohio.
  • Members will be able to network with other professionally-driven athletic administrators.
  • Members will have opportunities to be published in OIAAA newsletter and online forums.
  • Members are provided a direct voice to the OHSAA office and Board of Directors.


  • Dedicated to information and program offerings.
  • Direct links to OIAAA key affiliates.
  • Registration for the Annual State Conference.
  • Membership downloads and information updates.
  • Archived OIAAA eNewsletters.
  • State and District Leadership Directory.
  • The Role of the Principal in Interscholastic Athletics-Freel 12-minute video to share with school administrators as to their vital role in promoting school-based athletics in your school and community. Produced in cooperation with the NASSP and the NFHS.
  • Listings of professional development/Leadership Training opportunities for athletic administrators.

Member Portal Access Information (1)


member portal 2

III. Membership Information – shows member their membership transaction history

E. Manage Profile Options:

I. Information & Settings

a. Edit Bio – allows one to make changes to bio information including Username and Password. (NOTE: must verify

password before being allowed in to change bio information)

b.  Membership Card – allows a member to print membership card

c. Preferences – allows one to change settings on their membership profile

II. Invoicing, Payments & History

Invoices – shows invoices paid or open, for purchases and Memberships

Membership – Showes only membership payments

Why the NIAAA?


Benefits Provided NIAAA Membership Ad 2014_Draft 2
Athletic Administrators consistently contribute the longest days among staff members in most American school districts. The second work day begins when the regular school day ends, and what has been planned, organized and implemented by the athletic administrator, goes into action. Whether an athletic administrator, assistant principal in charge of athletics, athletic director, coordinator, liaison or supervisor; there is a delicate balance among profession, personal time, and family, as the’AD’ provides student participation opportunities within education based athletic programs.

How does being a part of a professional association fit a busy lifestyle? What does this professional organization provide that will assist in adding order to a sometimes hectic schedule? How can individuals with a heart for helping others succeed be assured they are affiliated with a like-minded group? Why the NIAAA?

As we lead each day in school communities helping build tomorrow’s future, each ofus understands and relies on such qualities as integrity, credibility and a shared mission. These practical and often emotional criteria are ones that assist in determining in what areas we will rely, share experiences, and devote time and energy.

The NIAAA champions the profession of administering athletic programs in our nation’s high schools and middle schools. No other body values, promotes, preserves, supports and stands ready to uplift the cause of the athletic administrator, as does the NIAAA. Providing education, leadership and service platforms allows the NIAAA to best help colleagues network, choose from resources, draw from practices and give back to your profession while advancing in one’s career.

NIAAA Membership
If you are involved in administering interscholastic athletics at either the high school, middle school or junior high level, you should join the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association. The NIAAA is a national professional organization administered by and for athletic administrators for the purpose of:

  • Promoting the professional growth and image of interscholastic athletic administrators
  • Promoting the development and prestige of state athletic administrators organizations which will contribute, in cooperation with state high school associations, to the interscholastic athletic program of each state
  • Providing an efficient system for the exchange of ideas between the National Federation of State High School Associations and state athletic directors organizations and individual athletic administrators
  • Preserving the educational nature of interscholastic athletics and the place of these programs in the curricula of schools

Membership Benefits

  • Interscholastic Athletic Administration, a quarterly professional journal written by and for athletic administrators
  • High School Today, a monthly NFHS publication includes information on national issues affecting interscholastic athletics and activity programs
  • $2,000,000 liability insurance while performing the duties of an athletic administrator
  • $2500 term life insurance
  • Ability to purchase Long Term Health Care at discount rates
  • Ability to purchase excess Cancer Insurance and Accident Insurance at discount rates
  • Discount on registration fees for the NIAAAlNFHS National Conference for high school directors of athletics
  • Opportunities to serve on national committees
  • Exclusive $10 per year subscription to receive online From the Gym to the Jury publication that includes current legal rulings related to athletics (Subscribe at and select “Subscribe Now” -Subscription code is NIAAA)
  • Opportunity to nominate students from your school for the NIAAA Scholarship annually
  • Opportunity for national recognition through the NIAAA Awards Program

NIAAA Membership Categories

1 Regular ($80) -anyone employed by a school or school district or state association who has among their duties the administration of interscholastic athletics
2 Retired ($30) -any person retired from active athletic administration and who has been a regular member of the NIAAA. Retired members do not receive the liability insurance benefit
3 Lifetime, Regular ($800) -available to anyone who qualifies as a regular member
4 Lifetime, Retired ($300) -available to anyone who qualifies as a retired member
5 Associate ($80) -anyone who is involved in athletic administration or school administration at any level or anyone who is a student or instructor in athletic administration
6 Student ($15) -any degree seeking person enrolled in college undergraduate classes associated with education or athletic administration, management or marketing. Student members receive receive all benefits afforded a regular member except insurance benefits and holding office

Insurance Benefits
The NIAAA provides membership a number of insurance benefits.

Liability Insurance -the NIAAA provides each regular member excess liability coverage up to $2,000,000. Excess means coverage beyond any other coverage the member has through his/her employer. This liability insurance covers any suits for claims involving bodily injury or property damage. This liability does not cover suits for discrimination, wrongful suspension of a coach or athlete or any other claim not involving bodily injury or property damage. Suits for such claims occurring during the course of employment would have to be covered by the employer. (NOTE: NIAAA members serving on the NIAAA Board or NIAAA Committees are covered under the NIAAA’s Directors and Officers Policy) For additional information go to the Bollinger Insurance web site at

Term Life Insurance -the NIAAA provides $2,500 term life insurance for any current member with exception of student members. The benefit is paid to the surviving spouse or to the estate (if no surviving spouse) unless a beneficiary form has been completed and sent to the NIAAA office. Should the insured prefer to specify a beneficiary, please download and complete a beneficiary form. Mail the completed form to the NIAAA office at 9100 Keystone Crossing, Suite 650, Indianapolis, IN 46240. All members (except student members) are eligible for this life insurance as long as they were a current member of the NIAAA upon their death. For additional information go to the Bollinger Insurance web site
AFLAC Excess Accident and Cancer Insurance -All NIAAA members are entitled to purchase AFLAC Acident and/or Cancer Insurance at discounted association group rates.

Long Term Health Care Insurance -All NIAAA members are entitled to purchase long term health care insurance at discounted association group rates. The insurance is offered by Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company. A number of different policy options are available.

Screen Shot 2013-08-21 at 10.46.18 PM
The OIAAA Qualified for the NIAAA Membership Commendation Program for the 2012-13 School Year. Ohio’s membership to the NIAAA increased 10% last year.

NIAAA Online Courses & Webinars available this Summer! Registration is now Open!


Webinar Classes

In an effort to meet the needs of individual who desire to enhance their knowledge of interscholastic athletic administration and cannot attend the national conference or state conference, the NIAAA offers selected courses utilizing the internet through webinars.  This offers the opportunity to take Leadership Training courses from the comforts of the office or home and receive the same quality instruction, ability to ask questions and interact with peers as is provided in the classroom setting. The cost for a webinar class is $125 for member and $155 for non-members which includes the course manual and a certificate of completion.

It would be suggested to use a computer that is connected to the greatest bandwidth (DSL, Cable or T-1 line) which could be at your school if you do not have high-speed at home. Slower speeds take longer to load pictures/power points. Students should also have a sound card, speakers and a microphone (for purposes of asking questions). A chat room is also available so students can ask questions by keystroking questions to the instructor.

Summer 2016 Schedule

501 – Tuesdays – July 26 & August 2
502 – Mondays – July 25 & August 1
611 – Mondays – July 11 & 18
626 – Thursdays – July 14 & 21
630 – Wednesdays – July 13 & 20
700 – Tuesdays – July 12 & 19

Registration deadline for 611, 626, 630 and 700 will be June 27, 2016 – Registration deadline for 501 and 502 will be July 11, 2016

Classes are limited to a maximum of 25 students – no exceptions.
Course manuals will be mailed to you prior to the first class.



Course Times

The courses will be taught by trained and experienced faculty. Each class will be a 120 minute session, taught on two consecutive Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings.  Time for classes, will be 7:30-9:30 p.m., EST.

For additional information, go to and click on “2016 Summer Webinars” under the Calendar link on the right side of the page.