Webinar Leadership Training CoursesVia the Internet |
We are pleased to announce that the NIAAA will be webinar teaching LTC 501, 502, 504, 506, 508, 625, 701 and 799 via the internet. The athletic administrator will be able to view the course from the convenience of their home or office. Administrators will also have the opportunity to pose live questions and the class can be divided into discussion groups with the capability of receiving reports from each groups. What better way to take a class? There will be no travel time and no travel costs (gas, meals or lodging).
Our suggestion would be to use the computer that is connected to the greatest bandwidth (DSL, Cable or T-1 line) which could be at your school if you do not have high speed internet connection at home. However you can get the broadcast with a 56K / dial up modem. The only issue here is that this type of internet connection will be slower since pictures/PowerPoint take longer to download. You will also need sound card, speakers and microphone on your computer in order to hear the instructor and participate in conversation and ask questions.
Equipment Needed
Personal Computer with internet access, sound card, speakers and microphone.
501 | Wednesdays – March 23 & 30 |
502 | Tuesdays – April 5 & 12 |
504 | Mondays – March 21 & 28 |
506 | Thursdays – March 24 & 31 |
508 | Thursdays – April 7 & 14 |
625 | Tuesdays – March 15 & 29 |
701 | Wednesdays – April 6 & 13 |
799 | Mondays – April 4 & 11 |
Course Times
The Courses will be taught by experienced faculty. Each class will be a 120 minute session, taught on two consecutive Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings.
7:30 pm to 9:30 pm Eastern Time |
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Central Time |
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Mountain Time |
4:30 pm to 6:30 pm Pacific Time |
2:30 pm to 4:30 pm Alaska Time |
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm Hawaii Time |
The NIAAA has established a fee of $125 for NIAAA Members and a Fee of $155 for each course for Non-Members. Please select HERE to register and pay by credit card or check on line. Sign in to your profile (if you have a profile) or create a non-member profile if you do not have a profile.NOTE: To create a non-member profile select “Register” in upper right corner in red banner. If you do not wish to become a member, please select as your member type, Non-Member. From here you will be prompted to create a profile as a Member/Non-Member; Follow Step-by-Step Directions. Complete all boxes with red.*; Once your profile is completed, you will be able to purchase LTI Webinar classes from the “Online Store”. Select Online Store in the black banner near the top of the page, then select LTI Webinars.
Classes will be limited to a maximum of 25 students.
Course manuals will be mailed to you prior to the first class.
Certificates and Missed Classes
You must be able to participate in both sessions in order to receive credit for completing the course and receive a certificate of completion. If you must miss one of the two sessions, you will be required to view the recording of the missed session in order to receive credit for course completion. All sessions will be recorded and available for viewing. Upon completing both sessions, you will be emailed a URL address to take the course survey. Upon completing the course survey, you will have the ability to print a course certificate.
For additional information contact the Cheryl Van Paris at 317-587-1450 orcvanparis@niaaa.org