State Conference Planning Committee:
Called to Order:
- The meeting was called to order by President Tim Erickson at 10:38 am.
Attendance: X – in attendance
Executive Director: Bruce Brown (NE) x District Rep. (C) Alyssa Downey x
Past President: Matt Shomper (SW) District Rep. (E) Ray Hibbs x
President: Tim Erickson (NW) x District Rep. (NE) Andy Jalwan x
President Elect: Paul Powers (NE) x District Rep. (NW) Joe Roberts x
Secretary: Bo Hanson (C) x District Rep. (SW) Phil Poggi x
Treasurer: Randy King (C) x District Rep. (SE) Rick Guimond x
LTI/Newsletter Chair: Glen Gillespie (NW) x
Awards Chair: Bill Schumacher (NE)
Exhibit Chair: Phil Poggi (SW) x
Website Chair: Erich Frombach (NE)
NIAAA Cert. Chair: Jon Payne
Program Chair: Tom Farbizo (E)
OHSAA: Dr. Ross OHSAA: Jerry Snodgrass x OASSA: Ken Baker
- Action Items
- Additions to the Agenda:
- Approval of Agenda:
- A motion was made by Phil P. and seconded by Ray H. to approve the agenda. The motion was carried.
- Approval of Minutes:
- A motion was made by Paul P and seconded by Rick G. to approve the minutes from the
Executive Committee meeting. The motion was carried.
- Approval of Financial Report:
- A motion was made by Paul P. seconded by Andy J. to approve the financial report as of 10/18/15. The balance for checking $9,925.43 savings $104,503.46. The motion was carried.
- Information Items
- Membership Report:
Randy K. reported membership was around 470 and the approximately 2/3 of that were dual members. 3 Leagues are currently “all in” with another waiting to send in paperwork.
- OASSA Report:
- Bruce reported for Ken that the State Principals conference is this week.
- OHSAA Report:
Jerry Snodgrass reported on the mandated use of Arbiter and that it would be replacing
Myohsaa in the fall of 16. He also led discussion on the ODE changing the PAV requirements and that the OHSAA wasn’t informed of this ahead of time. Jerry also spoke to the fact that the OHSAA’s liaison to the AD’s should be included in discussions that directly affect AD’s and that we should push for this to happen. Jerry asked us to look at representation scenarios as they pertain to tournaments, and that there is a board of directors meeting this upcoming week.
- NIAAA Report:
- National delegates were confirmed. Phil P. led discussion about an NADC hospitality sponsor.
- Conference Report:
- Paul led discussion about Districts confirming their spot for their district meetings during the conference. Each district should be sending $200 to Joe Dash for door prizes. K. reported currently we have 150 registrations. B.B. reported OU is a sponsor now and is looking to become a Corporate sponsor next year so next year OU will have the graduate credit instead of Ashland. P.P. reports that at 5:30 PM on Saturday the 14 the east district will be working on programs and packets for the conference and that there is an Exec. Committee meeting at 6PM in the P. Suite.
- Website Report:
E.F. reports that Online payments for membership, LTI and conference is on the website, and gave a list of page hits. Also to keep sending him info for the site to share.
- Awards Report:
- S. reports that he has most of the bio’s and headshots for the awards winners for the conference and that the years of service award winners have all been contacted.
- Leadership Training Report:
- G. discussed classes for the conference, how much help was needed, and what types of AV equipment was needed. He also stated that he had plenty of people to teach classes this year which was a plus!
- Certification Report:
- P. reports that the CAA exam is moving to an electronic format and that the national is looking for a procedure to recertify CAA’s and CMAA’s possibly. Make sure to check your membership portal on the NIAAA website as all info is moving to the electronic age.
- Newsletter Report:
- G reports that there is a free pass for this newsletter and that it will be sent out at the end of the week.
- Executive Directors Report:
B.B. led discussion about the new AD’s Webinars and the attendance has been averaging between 15-20 participants. There have been some slight technical issues which have been resolved. Next webinar is 10/28/165 and will feature Tim and Phil. Bruce also discussed our need for a 12 month schedule moving forward with a start and stop date, so quarterly payments can be made. Discussion was moved to our contract with the Hilton for our state conference and if we should expand the contract out to 2019. This was tabled while we explored other options to look at if we need more room as we grow the conference.
III. New Business
E.C. discussed the possibility of having a conference planning committee in place of rotating it around from district to district each year with the pros and cons of each. R. G. was heavily in favor of this. We will be discussing this with the membership at the conference this year and it was tabled.
- Discussion Items:
- District Reports:
- Central—Alyssa Downey – Fall workshop date is 10/21/15 and B.B. will be speaking
- Northwest—Joe Roberts- Discussed Side Effects at their fall workshop, and also reported about a proposal from the Kalahari for our Section 2 meeting in 17.
- Northeast—Andy Jalwan – 11/9 was their next exec. Committee meeting and that there may be a member in the NE who would make a good conference planning chairman.
- East–Ray Hibbs- Meeting 10/19 to wrap up the state conference loose ends for this year.
- Southwest—Phil Poggi- fall conference on 11-2 at Heatherwood with a break out on Arbiter..
- Southeast—Rick Guimond- Membership is up to 55 and Mark Rose has created a twitter account and is working on a website.
– .
- Adjournment:
- Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Nov. 14th at 6:00Pm in the Presidential Suite at the Hilton Easton.
- Move to Adjourn:
- A motion was made by Phil P. and seconded by Ray H. to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 1:04 PM.
- Upcoming Dates of Note:
Future Meeting Dates and times:
-Conference planning meetings to begin at 9:00 AM and Executive meetings at 10:00 AM.
Saturday Nov. 14th Sunday January 25, 2015
-Sunday March 15th Sunday May 17th.
NIAAA Section 2 Meeting Dates:
June 16-18, 2016 Host State: Maryland June 15-17, 2017 Host State: Ohio
June 15-17, 2018 Host State: Pennsylvania June 13-15,2019 Host State: Virgina
June TBD, 2020 Host State: West Virginia
Future OIAAA Conference Dates: November 15-17, 2015 (E)
November 13-15, 2016 (SE) November 12-14, 2017 (C)
Future NIAAA Conference Dates:
December 11-15, 2015 Orlando, Florida
December 9-15, 2016 Nashville, Tennessee