January 12, 2015
From: Bruce Brown
OIAAA Executive Director
RE: Ohio Athletic Administrators Association Experiences Growth in 2014
The Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (OIAAA) experienced significant growth and achievement as the state’s key professional development resource for education-based athletic administrators during 2014. The OIAAA, founded in 1956, has been the primary association for serving training and education needs of Ohio school athletic directors in over 1,400 high school and middle schools across the state.
During the course of 2014, OIAAA membership reached an all-time high of 480 members with nearly 400 of those members holding dual OIAAA and National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA) memberships. For the second straight year, the OIAAA received a national commendation from the NIAAA for continued membership growth.
At the 2014 State OIAAA Conference for Athletic Directors (held November 16, 17 & 18 in Columbus), over 350 registrations established an all-time high for conference attendees. Additionally, nearly 70 business vendors exhibited during the state conference with nearly 25 additional vendors turned away due to capacity vendor spaces being filled.
“As we have created increased value and rigor in our professional development agenda over these past few years, we have seen our state schools respond by ever-increasing attendance at the event”, stated Executive Director, Bruce Brown. “Our association continues to be committed to provide best practices and training to our ever-challenging interscholastic athletic landscape in Ohio schools.”
For additional highlights from the 2014 OIAAA State Conference, links to conference presentations and listings of conference award winners, go to http://oiaaa2.wpengine.com/highlights-from-the-2014-oiaaa-conference/ on the www.oiaaa2.wpengine.com website.
This past year also provided a strong OIAAA presence at the NIAAA National Athletic Directors Conference, held on December 12-16 in Washington, D.C. This annual convention brings well over 2,000 interscholastic athletic administrators from all over the continental United States in what is considered the “best of show” for presentations, discussions and leadership training sessions relative to the education-based athletic setting. At the 2014 national conference, the OIAAA was represented prominently:
· Seven OIAAA members taught courses in the highly accredited Leadership Training Institute for conference attendees
· Six OIAAA members currently sit on four NIAAA national committees
· Five OIAAA members presented or facilitated national conference presentations
· One OIAAA member received an NIAAA national award (second year in a row an OIAAA member received national recognition).
For a complete listing of Ohio’s National Conference representation along with photos from the 2014 NIAAA National Conference, go to the following link: http://oiaaa2.wpengine.com/news/2014/12/27/national-conference-ohio-well-represented-in-maryland/.