Minutes – Executive Committee Meeting
August 17, 2014
State Conference Planning Committee:
• The Planning Committee led by Paul Powers (President Elect) and members of the Northwest District State Conference Committee met from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to discuss the details of the 2014 OIAAA Athletic Directors Conference.
• The Conference will be held on November 16-18, 2014 at the Easton Hilton.
Called to Order:
• The meeting was called to order by Tim Erickson (President) at 10:00 a.m.
Attendance: X = in attendance
Executive Director: __x__ Bruce Brown (Northeast) District Rep. Central(VM): ___x__ Alyssa Downing
Past President(VM): __x__ Matt Shomper (Southwest) District Rep. East(VM): ___x__ Ray Hibbs
President(VM): __x__ Tim Erickson (Northwest) District Rep. Northeast(VM): ___x__ Rob Eckenrode
President Elect(VM): __x__ Paul Powers (Northeast) District Rep. Northwest(VM): ___x___ Joe Roberts
Secretary (VM): ____ Bo Hanson (Central) District Rep. Southwest(VM): ___x___ Phil King
Treasurer: __x___ Randy King (Central) District Rep. Southeast(VM): ___x__ Rick Guimond
LTI / Newsletter Chair: __x___ Glen Gillespie (Northwest)
Awards Chair: ____ Bill Schumacher (Northeast)
Exhibit Chair: __x__ Phil Poggi (Southwest)
Website Chair: __x_ Erich Frombach (Northeast)
Program Chair: __x___ Tom Farbizo (East)
OHSAA: ____ Dr. Ross OHSAA: __x__ Jerry Snodgrass OASSA: __x__ Ken Baker
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1. Action Items
A. Additions to the Agenda:
• none
B. Approval of Agenda:
• A motion was made by Matt Shomper (Past President) and seconded by Rick Guimond (Southwest) to approve the agenda. The motion passed 9-0.
C. Approval of Minutes:
• A motion was made by Tim Erickson (President) and seconded by Joe Roberts (Northwest) to approve the minutes from the 5/18/14 Executive Committee meeting. The motion passed 9-0.
D. Approval of Financial Report:
• A motion was made by Ray Hibbs (East) and seconded by Matt Shomper (Past President / Membership Chair) to approve the financial report as of 8/17/14. The balance as of 8/17/14 was Checking $2,348.95 and Savings $73,638.55.The motion passed 9-0.
E. Budget 2014 – 2015:
• A motion was made by Paul Powers (President Elect) and seconded by Phil King (Southwest) to approve the 2014 – 2015 Budget. The motion passed 9-0.
2. Information Items
A. Membership Report:
• Matt Shomper (Past President and Membership Chairman) reported the following information:
o 2014 – 2015 Membership Campaign and Updates
o # Goals for the OIAAA and NIAAA
B. OASSA Report:
• Ken Baker reported on the following items:
o Elections in the State Senate
o Home Education and Extra-curriculars
o STRS Changes
o House Bills Updates
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2. Information Items
C. OHSAA Report:
• Jerry Snodgrass (OHSAA Asst. Commissioner) presented some updates from the OHSAA
D. NIAAA Report:
• Bruce Brown (Executive Director) presented an update on NIAAA issues.
E. Conference Report:
• Each Committee person presented an update on their portion of the State Conference.
F. Website:
• Erich Frombach (Website Chair) presented updates on the OIAAA Website and analytics from hits on the OIAAA Website.
G. Awards Report:
• No Report
H. Leadership Training Report:
• Glen Gillespie (LTI Chair) led a discussion about the following items:
o 2014 State Conference Classes
I. Newsletter E-Zine Report:
• Glen Gillespie (Newsletter Chair) reported the following information regarding the OIAAA Newsletter:
o Newsletter deadline dates for 2014-2015 will be the following:
8/21/2014, 10/19/2014, 1/25/2015, 4/21/15
J. Certification Report:
• Paul Moses (Certification Chair) reported information regarding NIAAA Certification.
K. OIAAA Calendar
• Reviewed 2014 – 2015 Calendar dates and times for meetings.
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2. Information Items
L. Executive Directors Report:
• Bruce Brown (Executive Director) led a discussion regarding the following items:
o Business Partnership Report
o NEDC Summer Meeting
o Safe Sport Zone project in June
o OIAAA Summer Work Session
3. Discussion Items
A. NIAAA Section 2:
• Tim Erickson (President) presented an update on NIAAA Section 2
C. District Reports:
1. Central (Alyssa Downing)
o No report
2. Northwest (Joe Roberts)
o Fall Conference, Wednesday, September 19, 2014
3. Northeast (Rob Eckenrode)
o No Report
4. East (Ray Hibbs)
o No Report
5. Southeast (Rick Guimond)
o No report
6. Southwest (Phil Poggi)
o Fall Conference, November 3, 2014
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4. Adjournment
A. Next Meeting:
• Sunday, October 19, 2014
o The meeting will be held at the OHSAA Offices
o The Conference Planning Committee will meet at 9:00 a.m.
o The Executive Committee will meet at 10:00 a.m.
B. Move to Adjourn:
• A motion was made by Paul Powers (President Elect) and seconded by Ray Hibbs (East) to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 9-0.
o The meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.