The OHSAA, in collaboration with the OIAAA and the NIAAA, has posted a series of Public Service Announcements (PSAs) that are currently being broadcast around our state. These 30- to 60-second snippets are great opportunities to help schools promote Education-Based Athletics within their respective communities. All of these are FREE downloads to member schools; you are encouraged to access the data and utilize them in whatever format available to your school.
Some schools and communities have school-based or public access cable television or radio opportunities. Some schools have opted to combine the recorded message with a “PowerPoint” slideshow of their school’s athletes in photos. A few schools will play the message during contest “breaks” over their public address system. Whatever media conduit you choose, you will find these PSAs as valuable resources to educate your students, your parents and other community stakeholders as to the great benefits of a sound education-based athletic program.
The PSAs can be accessed through the following link: http://www.ohsaa.org/RTG/default.htm