Ohio was extremely well-represented at this year’s NIAAA National Athletic Directors’ Conference in Anaheim, California on December 14-17, 2013. There were 34 athletic administrators from the Buckeye State along with Dr. Dan Ross and Jerry Snodgrass of the OHSAA in attendance during a beautiful (75+ degrees!) four days in the “Golden State”.
There were several of our Ohio people who were involved with national presentations of Leadership Training Courses in Anaheim. Teaching classes this year were Dave Bell, Ray Ebersole, Glen Gillespie, Jon Payne and Jeff Kurtz. National co-chair for LTC 723, Bruce Brown, also helped with that course’s presentation.
Many of our members are part of national committees and attended meetings for their group throughout the conference: Tom Barone (Avon Lake HS)—Credentials Committee, Bruce Brown (Uniontown Lake HS)—Certification Committee and Coaches Education Committee, Ray Ebersole (Hudson HS)—Sports Turf Committee, Tim Erickson (Ottawa Hills HS)—New LTC Course Development Committee, Glen Gillespie (ret, Sylvania Southview HS)—Publications Committee, Paul Moses (Strongsville HS)—Certification Committee, Tom Nerl (Mariemont HS)—Hall of Fame Committee, and Matt Shomper (Tippecanoe HS)—Certification Committee.
Additionally, three of our members presented national workshops to the 1,500 attendees at this year’s conference: Bruce Brown, Uniontown Lake HS (“Evaluating Coaches”), Phil Poggi, Kings HS (“Promoting Multi-sport Participation”) and Jeff Harrison, Medina HS (“Working with your Booster Club”).

Paul Moses: 2013 Recipient of the NIAAA “Distinguished Service Award”:

After graduating from Concordia (Illinois) College with dual teaching certifications in business education and physical education, Paul Moses, CMAA, began an influential career in education.Combined with teaching and coaching football and wrestling, Moses began his role as an athletic director 27 years ago, culminating with his current position as athletic director of Strongsville (Ohio) City Schools, where he oversees 55 athletic teams.
Moses is a member of the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (OIAAA) and the Northeast Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NEOIAAA), and has served as a representative and member of the executive committees for both groups. Moses is past president of the NEOIAAA and he has also been a member of the Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators’ State Athletic Advisory Council.
Moses has served on the Ohio High School Athletic Association’s (OHSAA) Blue Ribbon “Length of Seasons” Committee as well as the State Soccer Advisory Committee. He has also been host to a number of OHSAA sub-state tournaments, including basketball, wrestling and track. Currently, he is a tournament manager in Northeast Ohio for volleyball and baseball.
In 2011, Moses was selected NEOIAAA Athletic Director of the Year, and he has been honored with the OIAAA/NEOIAAA Distinguished Service Award (2010) and Award of Merit (2005).
Through the NIAAA, Moses has taught several Leadership Training Institute courses, been a workshop speaker and served as a CAA exam administrator. He is a member of the NIAAA Certification Committee and was recently named as Ohio’s NIAAA State Certification Coordinator. Moses has also been an instructor for the NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching course.
Moses earned his master’s degrees from Cleveland (Ohio) State University and Ashland (Ohio) University. In 1995 and 1997, his school district received national interscholastic athletic recognition with the WAVE grant award.
Tim Flannery: 2013 Inductee into NIAAA “Hall of Fame”:

Even though he had enjoyed a highly successful career as a high school athletic administrator during his 30 years in Ohio, Tim Flannery’s, CMAA, career was only beginning when he joined the staff of the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) in 1998. During his first nine years on the NFHS staff, Flannery was director of the NFHS Coaches Association and editor of the NFHS Soccer Rules Book. He also was in charge of the NFHS Officials Association for two years and editor of the NFHS Swimming and Diving Rules Book for three years.
But in his remarkable career, Flannery saved the best for last. In 2007, he was responsible for starting the NFHS Coach Education Program – and six years later he has built one of the most successful programs in the 94-year history of the organization.
As a result of this professional development program for coaches featuring online courses, the profession of interscholastic coaching is being transformed. Starting with two core courses – Fundamentals of Coaching and First Aid, Health and Safety for Coaches – Flannery has led the growth of the program that now features 34 courses.
In addition to the two core courses, 14 sport-specific courses have been created, along with 14 free courses and four elective courses. Almost two millions courses have been taken by coaches, administrators, parents and others, including about 1.2 million who have taken the free Concussion in Sports – What You Need to Know course. Many NFHS-member state associations require all new coaches to take the Fundamentals of Coaching course, and the majority require coaches to take the Concussion course.
In 2009, Flannery led the development of the NFHS Coach Certification Program to help coaches minimize the inherent risks faced by participating students, to improve the sport experience of participating students and develop a sense of personal and professional accomplishment. The NFHS Coach Education Program is the only training program specifically for interscholastic coaches.
Flannery was influential in forming the USA Coaching Coalition in 2001, which was started to promote coaching education as a means of improving the sport experience for participants. In addition to the NFHS, other members are the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE).
Prior to joining the NFHS staff in 1998, Flannery was director of athletics of the North Olmsted (Ohio) City Schools for 15 years. He was responsible for 21 varsity sports at the high school level and 10 middle school sports.
Among his accomplishments at North Olmsted, Flannery formed an all-sports boosters club, established a new teacher mentoring program, developed a coaches in-service day, organized the building of an all-weather track with private money, and planned, organized and compiled a handbook for parents and athletes.
During his stint at North Olmsted, Flannery was president of the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (OIAAA) and was elected to the NIAAA Board of Directors. In 1995, he was elected president of the NIAAA, during which time he started the development of Leadership Training Course 501, which was the foundation of the Leadership Training Program.
Flannery, who earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Cleveland State University, has received countless honors, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Drug Enforcement Administration Distinguished Service Award in 1989, the NIAAA State Award of Merit in 1993, NFHS Citation in 1996 and the NIAAA Distinguished Service Award in 1998. He was inducted into the OIAAA Hall of Fame in 2001 and the NASPE Sport Hall of Fame in 2012.
In December of 2014, the NIAAA National Conference will be held in Washington, D.C. at the “National Harbor Conference Center”, literally a stone’s throw from the center of our nation’s capital. We hope to see many more Buckeyes in attendance at this conference where the “best of the best” go to become great athletic leaders!
