Minutes of the OIAAA Board of Directors Meeting 1/22/13
In attendance: Matt Shomper; Tim Erickson; Steve Conley; Chris Fahim; Erik Beun; Tim Cook; Glen Gillespie; Chuck Miley; Bill Schumacher; Randy King; Jim Harbuck; Bruce Brown; Jeff Jordan. Excused: Tom Farbizo; Paul Powers; Bo Arnett; Paul Moses.
Action Items:
All of the action items passed 6-0.
1. To remove Ralph Young’s and Hank Zaborniak’s names from the bank signing card and to replace them with Bruce Brown’s and Glen Gillespies names. Motion[Fahim]/Second [Erickson]
2. To replace Ralph Young[current listed as the statutory agent] with Bruce Brown as the new statutory agent. Motion[Fahim]/Second[Conley]—Jeff Jordan will provide an updated form.
3. To authorize payment of Leadership Training Instructors at the OIAAA 2013 Fall Conference. Motion[Cook]/Second[Fahim]
4. To authorize a payment of $100 to the Arthur Ballard[Kentucky] campaign from Section Two. Motion[Cook]/Second[Beun]
5. Financial Report Approval—Motion[Cook]/Second[Erickson]
-Registration form for the state conference needs wording to explain a refund request policy/procedure. Randy and Bruce will work on an updated form..
-Jim Harbuck[OASSA] went over the report that he sent out to all of us.
-Jeff Jordan[OHSAA] spoke to the group about the financial components of tournament[ turnkey operations, event management financial structure packet, etc.]. Separate tournaments and the Team Dual Wrestling Tournament were discussed.
-NIAAA Report—Dual Membership was discussed. One obstacle is that have a different fiscal year.
-Conference report given by Tim Erickson—attachments were sent to the Exec. Board
-We would like to thank Charlie Miley for his many years of service to the OIAAA. He announced his resignation today.
-Awards—went over timelines; some proposals and recommendations at the next meeting.
-Leadershp Training—Glen Gillespie discussed the pay structure for instructors; the Summer Institute and Professional Development.
-Newsletter received rave reviews; the format is definitely 21st century; topics and articles are always welcomed.
-Website update—Tim Cook and Bruce Brown discussed possible website hosts[attachment sent with the 1/22 agenda]. Ad Hoc committee to process proposals and to determine a timeline for the process.
-Business partnerships were also discussed—see attachment from the 1/22 agenda
-East District conference at Atwood 4/25 & 4/26
Awards’ Recommendations: March 2013
-Received four NIAAA Scholarship applications–3 boys and 1 girl
-Bruce Brown –nominee to NIAAA for the NFHS Citation Award
-Paul Moses –nominee to NIAAA for the DSA
OIAAAA Athletic Director of the Year–Dan Adams; for future years the OIAAA AD of the Year will come from a pool of all of the District AD’s of the Year from the current year and back through the past 2/3 years. Also, explore the possibility of having more than one AD of the year in the larger districts[ e,g. NE1; NE2; SW1; SW2…]
OIAAA Hall of Fame–predicated on similar criteria that NIAAA uses. Individual districts can still have their own HOF’s.
Eliminate the MS AD of the Year or give it a different title—[Outstanding Service in MS Ath Admin. as an example].
Establish a professional development award [Rolfes/Weiss].
National Awards:
State Award of Merit—Due this summer
Kovaleski Award-Due in May
OIAAA Awards:
SEI Award
Scholarships—Thinnes; Young; Nelson[SW]