National Conference: Ohio well represented in Maryland

Ohio has become increasingly involved with NIAAA events and actions. At the 2014 NADC in Maryland, the following OIAAA members were active with conference events:
OH attend at NADC
  • Tim Erickson (OIAAA President): Course co-chair and instructor for the new LTI 626 (“Effects of Alcohol, Chemicals and Nutrition on Body and Performance”)
  • Jon Payne: Instructor for LTI 502
  • Phil Poggi (OIAAA District Rep and Vendor Chair): Instructor for LTI 619
  • Dave Bell: Instructor for LTI 608
  • Glen Gillespie (Ohio LTI Coordinator): Course co-chair and instructor for LTI 608
  • Jeff Kurtz: Instructor for LTI 625
  • Bruce Brown (OIAAA Executive Director):  Course co-chair and instructor for LTI 723  
             Committee Work:
  • Glen Gillespie, Publications Committee
  • Paul Moses, Certification Committee
  • Matt Shomper, Certification Committee
  • Bruce Brown, Certification Committee, Coaches Education Committee Vice-Chair
  • Jon Payne, Certification Committee (joins in 2015)
  • Tom Nerl, Awards Committee


             Presenters and Facilitators:
  • Jerry Snodgrass (OHSAA), Co-Presenter:  “Using Your Website to Promote Athletics
  • Bruce Brown, Presenter: “Coach Assessments
  • Dr. James Onate (Ohio State University): “Medical Emergency Action Plan” & “Specialization
  • Tom Nerl, Facilitator
  • Scott Stemple, Facilitator
             Section 2 Representative:
  • Matt Shomper (joins NIAAA Board in Orlando)
             National Recognitions:
Glen Gillespie, “Distinguished Service Award

2014 OIAAA Awards Banquet

Click HERE to download Awards Banquet Program

Hall of Fame Inductees


Michael Schiering – Harrison High School



Jim Offenbaker – Lima Senior High School



Mike Kovach – West Branch High School



Richard Kenney – Austintown High School



Kevin Keffer – Dover High School



Jack James – South Galia High School



Mark Hughes – Oakwood High School



Mike Hoyng – Highland High School



Mike Ferguson – Whitehall-Yearling High School



Art Bucci – Freemont Ross High School



Tom Bryan – Hawken and Gilmour Academy



Rick Blust – Indian Lake High School


Athletic Directors of the Year


Jay Wolfe - Olentangy High School
Jay Wolfe – Olentangy High School



Charles Robinson - Athens High school
Charles Robinson – Athens High school



Phil Poggi – Kings High School



Chad Little - Bloom-Carroll High School
Ben Paul – Monroeville High School



Chad Little - Bloom-Carroll High School
Chad Little – Bloom-Carroll High School



Kevin Leigh - Padua High School
Kevin Leigh – Padua High School



Mickey Keck - Sandy Valley High School
Mickey Keck – Sandy Valley High School



Lynn Gotthardt - Kenston High School
Lynn Gotthardt – Kenston High School



Tom Donnelly - Walnut Hills High School
Tom Donnelly – Walnut Hills High School



Dave Bauer - Monroe High School
Dave Bauer – Monroe High School



Tom Barone - Avon Lake High School
Tom Barone – Avon Lake High School



Dave Ball – Willard High School


State Award of Merit

Tim Cook - Western Brown High School
Tim Cook – Western Brown High School

Scholarship Winners


Ralph Young Scholarship-Marie Conley
Ralph Young Scholarship-Marie Conley – Fairbanks High School















Nelson Thinnes Scholarship-Leah Leist (2)
Nelson Thinnes Scholarship- Lizzie Frombach – Avon High School















Nelson Thinnes Scholarship-Leah Leist (1)
Nelson Thinnes Scholarship-Leah Leist – Western Brown High School














Thank You Vendors! The OIAAA thanks all the vendors that made the 2014 state conference a huge success!


8 to 18 Media, Inc/Athletics 2000
A.G. Sports Services LLC
Aegis Sciences
All American Publishing
Apex Awards
Arbiter Sports
Athletic Surveys by LifeTrack Services
Big Game Promotions
Boathouse Sports
BSN Sports
Cabana Banner
Capital Varsity Sports Inc
Cincinnati Floor Company, Inc
Clell Wade Coaches Directory
E & D Specialty Stands Inc
Equipment Guys
EZ Flex Sports Mats
Farnham Equipment Company
G&G Fitness Equipment Inc, The Fitness Store
Gilman Gear
Herff Jones
HomeTeam Marketing
Kiefer U.S.A.
Laymanite Product
Lids Team Sports
M.A.S.A Inc
MAC Athletics Inc
M-F Athletic Company
Musco Lighting
Neff Company
OES Scoreboards
PCC Inc Air Purification
Pioneer Athletics
Resilite Sports Products
Riddell Sports
Royal Publishing
Schedule Star
SchoolPride Ltd.
SideEffects Inc
Slam Dunk Sports Marketing
Spec Athletic, Inc.
Sports Imports Inc
Sportsfield Specialties, Inc
Team Fitz Graphics
Team Sports Inc
The Motz Group
The Ohio Floor Company
The Sports Company
Varsity Brands (Varsity Cheer)
Varsity News Network
Wenger Corp – GearBoss

vendor 2






vendor 5

vendor 4

vendor 3



Vendor 1

2014 OIAAA Conference Powerpoint Presentations

“Athletic Legal Update” – OHSAA and Booster Legalities, Steve Craig, Esq., OHSAA Legal Councel


“Marketing Your Athletic Program and Social Media Campaign” Jeff Walrich, Gilmour Academy High School


“Student Drug Testing – How, When and Costs”


“Mentoring the Lay Coach”, Shawn Coakley, Sandusky High School


“Best Practice Communication Ideas”, Kevin Claver, Assistant Principal, Shelby High School


“The New Athletic Administrator”, Tom Hunter, Jim Offenbaker, Brett Purcell


“Technology in the Athletic Office”, Roy Turner, CMAA, New Hanover County Schools, N.C.


“Ref-Pay and myOHSAA Updates”, Beau Rug, OHSAA


“Impact of Individual Skill Coaching”, Jerry Snodgrass, CMAA, Assistant Commissioner, OHSAA


“G-Max Testing and Creating Safe Fields”, Chris Larbes, Motz Group


“NCAA Compliance and Update”, Jeremy McCool NCAA








To promote the benefits of dual membership in the OIAAA and NIAAA, the OIAAA is encouraging every LEAGUE or CONFERENCE in Ohio to achieve 100% registration by each league member’s respective athletic administrator for the 2015-2016 school year.  As incentives for this “ALL IN” effort, the OIAAA will:


  •  Provide complimentary, collared polo shirts with OIAAA logo for each “ALL IN” high school league member athletic administrator that meet the following criteria:


1. 100% dual enrollment (OIAAA and NIAAA) of all member schools’ athletic administrators   before January 1 of current school year

2.  Submission of “ALL IN” acknowledgement form to OIAAA Treasurer (indicates name of school, member name, shirt size) by January 1, 2015

3.  Posting of Leagues (and respective member schools) that are “ALL IN” on OIAAA website (

4. Acknowledgement of “ALL IN” leagues at the Annual OIAAA State Conference



  1. One shirt per member holding dual membership
  2. For Conferences that are organized by two or more “Divisions” (e.g., “Cardinal Division” in the Ohio Capital Conference), a Division can earn the “ALL IN designation with 100% divisional school dual enrollments.
  3. League commissioner does not need to be counted to qualify; however, for League Commissioner to receive incentive(s), Commissioner must have dual membership


This “ALL IN” membership incentive is made possible through the OIAAA and a partnership with Rokkitwear.  Rokkitwear is an Ohio-based company which has created a cutting-edge, online retail e-commerce store specifically branded for each school.  For more information about Rokkitwear opportunities and sports funding initiatives, go to


Ohio leagues which meet the above standards should complete a “Submission of ‘ALL IN’ Data” form to the OIAAA Treasurer on or before January 1, 2016.  To download the form, click HERE For additional questions, contact OIAAA Executive Director, Bruce Brown, at




For additional information on the “ALL IN” initiative with OIAAA, go to:

13 Ohio Athletic Administrators receive CAA Certification and 8 receive RAA

Congratulations to the following individuals who recently completed the NIAAA’s process for certification and passing the CAA and RAA exam:


Listed below are RAA’s and CAA’s from Ohio in 2014.


Arthur (Jeff) Good

Scott Brickner

Gregory Cooper

Timothy Ertle

Josh Hahn

Justin Shullick

Kevin Vargyas

Art Yoder



Scott Brickner

Richard Bryant

Matt Comstock

Scott Grant

Ray Hibbs

David Kelley

Bryan Koury

Jeff Merrill

Scott Reule

Kris Spriggs

John Thomas

Mark Trout

Aaron Zupka

The CAA exam will be offered in Columbus on Tuesday, November 18 as part of the OIAAA Conference.

Registration is through the NIAAA office and website at:

Programs:  NIAAA Certification Program

O.I.A.A.A. Executive Committee August 2014 Meeting Minutes

Minutes – Executive Committee Meeting
August 17, 2014

State Conference Planning Committee:
• The Planning Committee led by Paul Powers (President Elect) and members of the Northwest District State Conference Committee met from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to discuss the details of the 2014 OIAAA Athletic Directors Conference.
• The Conference will be held on November 16-18, 2014 at the Easton Hilton.
Called to Order:
• The meeting was called to order by Tim Erickson (President) at 10:00 a.m.

Attendance: X = in attendance
Executive Director: __x__ Bruce Brown (Northeast) District Rep. Central(VM): ___x__ Alyssa Downing
Past President(VM): __x__ Matt Shomper (Southwest) District Rep. East(VM): ___x__ Ray Hibbs
President(VM): __x__ Tim Erickson (Northwest) District Rep. Northeast(VM): ___x__ Rob Eckenrode
President Elect(VM): __x__ Paul Powers (Northeast) District Rep. Northwest(VM): ___x___ Joe Roberts
Secretary (VM): ____ Bo Hanson (Central) District Rep. Southwest(VM): ___x___ Phil King
Treasurer: __x___ Randy King (Central) District Rep. Southeast(VM): ___x__ Rick Guimond
LTI / Newsletter Chair: __x___ Glen Gillespie (Northwest)
Awards Chair: ____ Bill Schumacher (Northeast)
Exhibit Chair: __x__ Phil Poggi (Southwest)
Website Chair: __x_ Erich Frombach (Northeast)
Program Chair: __x___ Tom Farbizo (East)
OHSAA: ____ Dr. Ross OHSAA: __x__ Jerry Snodgrass OASSA: __x__ Ken Baker

Page 2 Minutes, Executive Committee Mtg.

1. Action Items
A. Additions to the Agenda:
• none
B. Approval of Agenda:
• A motion was made by Matt Shomper (Past President) and seconded by Rick Guimond (Southwest) to approve the agenda. The motion passed 9-0.
C. Approval of Minutes:
• A motion was made by Tim Erickson (President) and seconded by Joe Roberts (Northwest) to approve the minutes from the 5/18/14 Executive Committee meeting. The motion passed 9-0.
D. Approval of Financial Report:
• A motion was made by Ray Hibbs (East) and seconded by Matt Shomper (Past President / Membership Chair) to approve the financial report as of 8/17/14. The balance as of 8/17/14 was Checking $2,348.95 and Savings $73,638.55.The motion passed 9-0.
E. Budget 2014 – 2015:
• A motion was made by Paul Powers (President Elect) and seconded by Phil King (Southwest) to approve the 2014 – 2015 Budget. The motion passed 9-0.
2. Information Items
A. Membership Report:
• Matt Shomper (Past President and Membership Chairman) reported the following information:
o 2014 – 2015 Membership Campaign and Updates
o # Goals for the OIAAA and NIAAA
B. OASSA Report:
• Ken Baker reported on the following items:
o Elections in the State Senate
o Home Education and Extra-curriculars
o STRS Changes
o House Bills Updates

Page 3 Minutes, Executive Committee Mtg.

2. Information Items
C. OHSAA Report:
• Jerry Snodgrass (OHSAA Asst. Commissioner) presented some updates from the OHSAA
D. NIAAA Report:
• Bruce Brown (Executive Director) presented an update on NIAAA issues.
E. Conference Report:
• Each Committee person presented an update on their portion of the State Conference.
F. Website:
• Erich Frombach (Website Chair) presented updates on the OIAAA Website and analytics from hits on the OIAAA Website.
G. Awards Report:
• No Report
H. Leadership Training Report:
• Glen Gillespie (LTI Chair) led a discussion about the following items:
o 2014 State Conference Classes
I. Newsletter E-Zine Report:
• Glen Gillespie (Newsletter Chair) reported the following information regarding the OIAAA Newsletter:
o Newsletter deadline dates for 2014-2015 will be the following:
 8/21/2014, 10/19/2014, 1/25/2015, 4/21/15
J. Certification Report:
• Paul Moses (Certification Chair) reported information regarding NIAAA Certification.
K. OIAAA Calendar
• Reviewed 2014 – 2015 Calendar dates and times for meetings.

Page 4 Minutes, Executive Committee Mtg.

2. Information Items
L. Executive Directors Report:
• Bruce Brown (Executive Director) led a discussion regarding the following items:
o Business Partnership Report
o NEDC Summer Meeting
o Safe Sport Zone project in June
o OIAAA Summer Work Session
3. Discussion Items
A. NIAAA Section 2:
• Tim Erickson (President) presented an update on NIAAA Section 2
C. District Reports:
1. Central (Alyssa Downing)
o No report
2. Northwest (Joe Roberts)
o Fall Conference, Wednesday, September 19, 2014
3. Northeast (Rob Eckenrode)
o No Report
4. East (Ray Hibbs)
o No Report
5. Southeast (Rick Guimond)
o No report
6. Southwest (Phil Poggi)
o Fall Conference, November 3, 2014

Page 5 Minutes, Executive Committee Mtg.

4. Adjournment
A. Next Meeting:
• Sunday, October 19, 2014
o The meeting will be held at the OHSAA Offices
o The Conference Planning Committee will meet at 9:00 a.m.
o The Executive Committee will meet at 10:00 a.m.
B. Move to Adjourn:
• A motion was made by Paul Powers (President Elect) and seconded by Ray Hibbs (East) to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 9-0.
o The meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.

Athletes just a click away for coaches

09/15/2014, 12:00am EDT

Big Brother is watching.

If you’re a decent high school football player, so is every recruiting director in the country.

To the best of our knowledge, no recruits are being reassigned to the Ministry of Love like in the book 1984, but plenty of them are costing themselves college scholarships by what they post on social media accounts.

The NCAA mandates that coaches are not allowed to contact high school freshmen and sophomores at all, and they are allowed to contact juniors through phone call only once. In conjunction with these rules and the ease of access proved by the Internet and smart phones, the recruiting process is mostly digital. In 2014, coaches who rely only on letters and phone calls are committing career suicide.

It’s a two-way process on social media. Yes, programs use services like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to contact recruits, but they also use them to weed out some players.

“Some guys, yeah, we’ve thrown out right away,” University of Toledo director of high school relations John Kuceyeski said. “It’s a quick snapshot of your life. It says more than you think about yourself.”

Many Mid-American Conference schools feel the same way. Social media is not the only thing at which programs look when evaluating potential recruits, but it is very useful for targeting the correct players.

With only 25 scholarships to offer per year, schools have to be careful about whom they recruit, and social media posts are an easy way to trim the field.

“If I see things out there that I’m not too fond of in terms of decision-making and pictures and language and things of that nature,” Buffalo coach Jeff Quinn said, “it’ll certainly present to me and my staff that we better dig in deep if this is the way we’re going to go in terms of taking a kid. If not, then move on. There are probably other kids out there who are a better option for us.”

The recruiting process is totally different from when Kent State coach Paul Haynes did it himself as a high school player in 1987, or even since Toledo coach Matt Campbell did it in the late 90s.

The point most coaches try to make to recruits — and to their own players — is that social media posts do not exist in a bubble, no matter how hard one tries.

“We talk to our kids and I’m sure the high school coaches talk to their guys just about the power of whatever you write,” Haynes said. “Just because that it says you have a privacy — there is no such thing. Anyone can get to it and into it, so just be careful what you put on it.”

The option to skip out on using social media is unwise for a program. The ones that aren’t using social media effectively are the ones that aren’t building good recruiting classes.

Before long, that will show up on Saturdays.

“The means in which we get information to our recruits, the things that they look at — that you know they’re looking at, that you make sure they see positive things — if you’re not doing it, it’s almost like guilt by omission that you’re not doing what you have to do to attract their attention,” Akron coach Terry Bowden said.

For a program like Akron, which was at the bottom of the FBS only a few seasons ago, looking far and wide is the best way to turn around its hopes. The best way to acquire talent is to recruit well, and in 2014, that means diligently minding social media.

Bowden said Akron will recruit a player “until he tells us to our face, ‘Don’t recruit me.’ ”

Even with social media playing a huge role, college programs must have good relationships with high school coaches, Kuceyeski said. He said that Toledo knows about the character of most kids without looking at their Twitter pages, and it comes from conversations with coaches, teachers, and counselors.

When bringing a player to a new environment — one in which he will have lots of attention and will serve as a university representative — programs have to vet every potential player.

“You look at the history of our football team, I’d guess about 85 percent of guys on our team were captains in high school,” Kuceyeski said.

“That doesn’t happen by default.”

It’s an uncertain process, to be sure, but the consensus among most college coaches is that social media is a necessary evil.

The additional resource gives programs another way to make more informed decisions, and most coaches believe it would be foolish not to use it.

“You’re never going to be 100 percent perfect, but I think if you use every tool out there, that really shows what kind of person you’re bringing into your program,” Campbell said. “Whether you like it or not, kids are right at your fingertips.”

Contact Nicholas Piotrowicz at:,

724-6110, or on

Twitter @NickPiotrowicz.