Two Conferences Recognized in “ALL IN” Membership Initiative

September 29, 2015



From:                    Tim Erickson, President



RE:                          “ALL IN” Membership Initiative


The Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (OIAAA) is proud to recognize the first group of schools who have met the “ALL IN” Membership initiative for the 2015-2016 school year.  The first two groups represent each of the schools and athletic directors in the Eastern Cincinnati Conference and the Licking County League. The schools are:


Anderson High School                    Chris Newton

Glen Este High School                    Dan Simmons

Kings High School                             Tyler Miller

Loveland High School                     Julie Renner

Milford High School                         Mark Trout

Turpin High School                           Eric Fry

Walnut Hills High School                Tom Donnelly

Withrow High School                      Rayshawn Walton



Granville High School                      Kevin Jarrett

Heath High School                           Jeff Sheets

Johnstown High School                 Kristie Chumney

Lakewood High School                   Bo Hanson

Licking Heights High School          Karen Kecskes

Licking Valley High School             Mark McCullough

Newark Catholic High School       Scott Harris

Northridge High School                 Justin Grieger

Utica High School                             Brian Radabaugh

Watkins Memorial High School   Adam Rose


Each of these athletic directors have become both OIAAA and National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA) members for the 2015-2016 school year.  Other school leagues in Ohio have until December 31, 2015 to achieve 100% dual membership (both OIAAA and NIAAA) to earn the “ALL IN” recognition.

Ohio Survey Results: A majority of Ohioans, including school parents, think high school football is a safe sport

The vast majority of Ohioans surveyed feel that high school football is a safe sport to
play and most would allow their children to participate. The sentiment is a consistent
one among many segments of the study, including parents, as well as by gender and
age groups. The sport is viewed as very or somewhat safe by the lion’s share of both
men (86% very + somewhat safe combined) and women (78%). Notably, less than onequarter
of parents have misgivings about allowing their children to play the sport.

To continue reading article, click HERE

Listen to the OIAAA Webinars

May 10th Webinar – Session 10

April 12th Webinar – Session 9

February 9th Webinar – Session 8

January 13th Webinar – Session 7

December 1st Webinar – Session 6

October 28th Webinar – Session 4

October 5th Webinar – Session 3

September 22nd Webinar – Session 2

September 8th Webinar – Session 1

NWOIAAA – Fall Conference Information and Registration – Sept. 16th

Wednesday, September 16th at the BGSU Stroh Center

Click HERE to download resgistration and membership form

Click HERE to download a copy of the program


11:30 Registration

12:15 Lunch

12:30 Welcome – Bruce Brown OIAAA Executive Director

12:45 Awards

1:00 Bowling Green State University Athletic Director

1:30 Technology Today- Shane Patacca:  Ottawa Hills

1:45 Break

2:00 NWDAB – Jeff Snyder /Kevin Calver

2:15 OHSAA – Jerry Snodgrass

Strasburg Athletic Department Requires National Coach Certification

The Strasburg–Franklin Local School District (Strasburg, OH; Tuscarawas County) has announced that all interscholastic coaches (grades 7 through 12) are required to earn national coaching certification beginning with the 2015-2016 school year.  The district will require that all Strasburg coaches, both paid and volunteer, complete the National Federation of High School Association’s (NFHS) Accredited Interscholastic Coach (AIC) certification prior to in-season coaching.

Strasburg-Franklin becomes the first school district in Ohio that now requires the national interscholastic coach certification which has become available to coaches across the country since 2009. The Strasburg Local Board of Education approved the requirement in June and will assist the Strasburg Local Athletic Department in covering the expenses for the additional training of the coaches.

AIC certification requires completion of the following NFHS online courses:  “Fundamentals of Coaching”, “First Aid and Safety for Coaches”, “Concussion in Sports” and a sport-specific course of the user’s choosing.  Strasburg coaches must also maintain a current Ohio Department of Education “Pupil Activity Permit” as required by all Ohio interscholastic coaches.


“We are building a culture of learning within our school district that truly is reflected in all aspects of student engagement”, stated Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools Superintendent, Cynthia Brown.  “We perceive all of our athletic personnel as ‘teacher-coaches’ inasmuch as they are an extension of our educational mission beyond the academic classroom.  Our expectations of coaches are really no less than what we aspire to during the regular school day.”


Strasburg athletic administrator, Gary Spinell, approached Mrs. Brown and the Board of Education in the spring of 2015 with the initiative to have all staff coaches trained and to acquire the AIC certification.  “Our coaches have always realized the huge responsibility and

impact they have with our students and they strive to constantly improve”, says Spinell.  “With the ever-changing landscape of sports, our coaches need to be on the cutting edge of best practices.  Coaches are expected to improve individual and team performance, on and off the athletic field of play.  By becoming certified, our coaches are assisting our students to have the best opportunities for success both in school and in the future!”

Although one of the smaller schools in Ohio, Strasburg has a rich athletic tradition.  Student engagement with athletics is popular; in the 2014-2015 school year, 158 of the 256 students in grades 7 through 12 (62%) participated in at least one interscholastic sport.

Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools Board of Education president, Robyn Burkett, states, “The expectations of our community and school stakeholders is that we maximize opportunities to prepare our children for success in life.  We have always established meaningful standards for our academic teachers to achieve and maintain.  We value education-based athletics in the same context and desire our coaches to mirror our District’s mission on the playing fields.”

For additional information regarding the Strasburg Local School District Coach Education initiative, contact Strasburg Director of Athletics, Gary Spinell, at  For information on the NFHS Accredited Interscholastic Coach certification, go to:


A look at accommodating transgender students

As the new school year begins, the Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators (OASSA) ( has received several calls to their office regarding transgender students and the school’s obligation in regards to accommodations.

Below is a link to an article (with permission) written by Sara Clark.  Sara serves as the Director of Legal Services for the Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA).  This article provides a great deal of information, and will be useful in your local determinations.  A reminder to contact your school legal counsel prior to making any policy and/or procedure decisions.

Click HERE to read the article, “A look at accommodating transgender students”  by Sara C. Clark

Please note:  This article first appeared in the December, 2014 issue of the Journal. Copyright 2015 Ohio School Boards Association. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.



Southeast District News: Tentative Meeting and Important Dates.

  9/10/15 – 10:30 am – First SEOIAAA meeting (in conjunction with the SEODAB administrators meeting in Jackson at Ponderosa)

11/15-17/15 – OIAAA State Conference – Hilton Easton []

1/27/16 – 10:00 am – SEOIAAA Winter meeting – LaRosa’s Restaurant (Jackson)

4/13/16 – 10:00 am – SEOIAAA Spring meeting – LaRosa’s Restaurant (Jackson)

5/13/16 – 9:00 am – SEOIAAA Golf Outing – Elks Country Club (Portsmouth)

OIAAA Meeting Minutes – May 17, 2015

OIAAA Minutes—Executive Committee Meeting


State Conference Planning Committee:

Called to Order:

·     The meeting was called to order by President Tim Erickson at 10:30 am.

Attendance:  X – in attendance

Executive Director:                   Bruce Brown (NE) x District Rep. (C)      Alyssa Downey x  

Past President:     Matt Shomper (SW) x District Rep. (E)     Ray Hibbs x  

President:       Tim Erickson (NW)    x  District Rep. (NE)             Rob Eckenrode     x

President Elect:   Paul Powers (NE)    x  District Rep. (NW)          Joe Roberts x   

Secretary:      Bo Hanson (C)        District Rep. (SW)          Phil Poggi

Treasurer:      Randy King (C)      x  District Rep. (SE)              Rick Guimond   x

LTI/Newsletter Chair:       Glen Gillespie (NW) x  

Awards Chair:     Bill Schumacher (NE)  

Exhibit Chair:     Phil Poggi (SW)  

Website Chair:   Erich Fromback (NE) x   

NIAAA Cert. Chair:   Paul Moses x    

Program Chair:   Tom Farbizo (E)

OHSAA:  Dr. Ross OHSAA: Jerry Snodgrass OASSA: Ken Baker 

I.  Action Items

A.  Additions to the Agenda:


B.  Approval of Agenda:

·     A motion was made by Matt and seconded by Rob to approve the agenda.  The motion was carried.

C.  Approval of Minutes:

·     A motion was made by Rob and seconded by Matt to approve the minutes from the  

Executive Committee meeting on March 15, 2015.  The motion was carried.

D.  Approval of Financial Report:

·     A motion was made by Matt to approve the financial report as of 5/17/15.  The balance for checking, $3,706.82, savings, 88,931.98.  The motion was carried.

II. Information Items

A. Membership Report:

·     Matt gave an update on the membership drive. We are close to reaching 500 memberships for the year. Additionally, Matt talked about the “All In “ Membership Initiative.

B. OASSA Report: 

·     No report

C. OHSAA Report:

·     Bruce Brown led a discussion about updates from the OHSAA May Board of Directors Meeting. He also shared that the OHSAA and the OIAAA are interested in starting an AD Advisory Group in the near future.

D.  NIAAA Report:

·     Matt finalized the details for the upcoming NIAAA Section 2 Meeting in Louisville Ky. 

E.  Conference Report:

·     Paul gave an updated report on the 2015 OIAAA State Conference.

F.  Website Report:

Erich gave an update on the website. The AD Toolbox link is up and running now.

G.  Awards Report:

·     No report. More Information will be coming regarding the 2015 winners.

H.  Leadership Training Report:

·     Glen gave updates on the Outreach program in the Southwest and the Summer Institute. Bruce also discussed updates on the New Ad Workshop and the Professional Development Ad Hoc Committee.

           I.  Certification Report:

·     Paul Moses will be retiring. We will need to select a new Certification Chair. NIAAA Certification Chair meeting will be held on September 12-14, 2015 in Indiana at the NIAAA offices.

J.  Newsletter Report:

·     Glen gave an update on the May OIAAA Newsletter.

K. Executive Directors Report:

·     Bruce provided an update the on the following items:

§     Sponsorships

·     Fitzpatrick Media Group

·     Final Forms

·     Ohio University Master’s Program

·     Varsity Athletic (Awards)

§     Contract Extensions

·     Home Team Marketing

·     Side Effects

§     POP Manual

III. New Business

·     Evaluation of Treasurer and Executive Director

§     All positive remarks regarding these two positions

·     A motion was made by Paul and seconded by Tim that the annual salary of the Executive Director and the Treasurer for the next three years should be $6,000.00. Motion passed.


IV. Discussion Items:

A.  District Reports:

1. Central—Alyssa Downey – No report

2. Northwest—Joe Roberts- Spring Workshop went well

3. Northeast–Rob Eckenrode – 120 Ad’s attended Spring Conference


4. East–Ray Hibbs- Working on 2015 State Conference

5. Southwest—Phil Poggi- no report

6. Southeast—Rick Guimond –no Report

V. Adjournment:

A. Next Meeting:

·     Sunday, August 16, 2015 at the OHSAA offices.  Conference Planning Committee meeting will start at 9:00 AM with the Executive Committee meeting to start at 10:30 AM.

B. Move to Adjourn:

·     A motion was made by Paul and seconded by Tim to adjourn the meeting.  The motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM.

C. Upcoming Dates of Note:

Future Meeting Dates and times:

NIAAA Section 2 Meeting Dates:  

June 18-21, 2015 Host State:  Kentucky

June 16-18, 2016 Host State:  Maryland  

June 15-17, 2017 Host State:  Ohio

June 15-17, 2018 Host State:  Pennsylvania              

June 13-15, 2019 Host State:  Virgina   

June TBD, 2020 Host State:  West Virginia

Future OIAAA Conference Dates:  

November 15-17, 2015 (E)

November 13-15, 2016 (SE)     

November 12-14, 2017 (C)

Future NIAAA Conference Dates:

December 11-15, 2015 Orlando, Florida

December 9-15, 2016 Nashville, Tennessee



Monday August 10th, 2015 – 12:15 pm @ Hudson High School following the OHSAA Fall Update Meeting

12:15      Complimentary Lunch for new AD Workshop attendees and staff

12:30      Opening Remarks / Functions of the NEOIAAA

Andy Jalwan – Athletic Director, CAA, Strongsville High School, NEOIAAA President

12:45      Survival Guide for 1st Year Athletic Directors  

Greg Cooper, RAA, Athletic Director, Canfield Local Schools

1:00      Attributes of Effective Athletic Directors

Barb Salata, CAA, Athletic Director, Walsh Jesuit High School

1:15     The OIAAA Website

Erich Frombach, OIAAA Website Chair, Athletic Director Avon High School

  1:30    The NIAAA Professional Development Program

             Barb Salata, CAA, Athletic Director, Walsh Jesuit High School      

1:45      Working with Administrators, Parents, Alumni and Other Stakeholders

Greg Cooper, RAA, Athletic Director, Canfield Local Schools

2:00      Final Questions, Comments and Wrap Up