Our 2013 OIAAA State Conference was another great success! Over 320 athletic directors from around the state along with nearly 70 vendors gathered in Columbus at the Hilton Easton for what has become one of the premier interscholastic athletic administrators state conferences in the country.
Some of this year’s highlights included:
· Inspiring keynote speech from Ohio State great, Archie Griffin
· A motivational and focused message about the relevance of athletics in education by Jim Tressel
· 24 “breakout” sessions for attendees which focused upon “best practices” in athletic administration
· 90 attendees took six nationally certified Leadership Training courses
· Membership confirmation of an updated OIAAA Constitution
· Two tremendous receptions that were very well attended by members
· A “sold out” Awards Luncheon


Handouts and powerpoint slides from breakout sessions
“Important Considerations in Updating Your Athletic Handbook” – Jim Harbuck, Former Exec. Director, OASSA
Updating the Athletic Handbook Presentation at OIAAA Conference – Handouts and sample handbook
“Promoting the Multi-Sport Athlete” – Kent Smith, Orville High School, Rick Rembielak, Akron Baseball Coach
“The True Value of Education Based Athletics” Mike Blackburn, NIAAA Associate Executive Director
“Concussion Manggement adn Return to Play Protocals” – Dr. Gongeni, Medical Dir. of Sports Med. at Akron Childrens Hospital
“Social Media and Internet: Athletic Impact” – Dan Harold, Associate Principal, Uniontown Lake High School
“Licensing: Helping Schools Realize Royalties from your Brand” – Dick Welsh, LR
“Best Practices for Title IX Review” – Peg Pennepacker, High School Title IX Consulting Services
Award Winners
Updated list of OIAAA Award Winners