Glen Gillespie, CMAA
Title: Executive Director of Athletic Administrators Association/NIAAA Liaison, NIAAA Emergency Network Contact, LTI State Coordinator
Phone: 419-356-2278
E-mail: 1320gleng@gmail.com

Julie Renner

Joe Kimling, CMAA
Title: President
Office Phone: (740) 636-4221
School: Washington High School
E-mail: joe.kimling@wchcs.org

Gary Spinell, CAA
Title: Past-President
Office Phone: 330-878-5571
School: Strasburg High School

Chuck Jaco, CAA
Title: Vice President
Office Phone: 419- 874-3181
School: Perrysburg High School
E-mail: cjaco@perrysburgschools.net

Heather Beck-Wallace
Title: Secretary
Office Phone: 419-284-8256
School: Elyria High School
E-mail: beckheather@elyriaschols.org

Jon Payne, CMAA
Title: Chair of Certification
Phone: (513) 563-5600 x304
School: Lockland High School
E-mail: oiaaacertification@gmail.com

Reid Hollinger
Title: OIAAA Newsletter Chair
Office Phone: 513-947-7698
School: West Clermont High School
E-mail: hollinger_r@my.westcler.org

Erich Frombach
Title: Website Chair
Office Phone: 440-934-5111
School: Avon High School
E-mail: frombache@avoneagles.org

Bill Schumacher, CMAA

Jason Goings
Title: Ethnic/Minority Rep
Office Phone: 419-289-7968 X3302
School: Ashland High School
E-mail: jagoings@goarrows.org

Katie Wesney
Title: Female Representative
Office Phone: 4740-824-3522
School: River View High School
E-mail: katie.wesney@rvbears.org

Matthew Welsh, CMAA
Title: Central Rep
Office Phone: 614-479-1560
School: Gahanna Lincoln High School
Email: welshm@gjps.org

Joe Roberts, CAA
Title: Southwest Rep
Office Phone: (513) 864-1580
School: Princeton High School
E-mail: joroberts@vikingmail.org

Randy Tevepaugh, CMAA
Title: Northeast Rep and Vendor Chair
Office Phone: 330-626-4902
School: Streetsboro High School
E-mail: rtevepaugh@scsrockets.org

Chip Amicone

Mark Rose
Title: Southeast Rep
Phone: (740) 354-6644
School: Portsmouth Clay High School
Email: rosem@claylocalschools.org

Steve Conley, CMAA, CIC

Tom Nerl, CMAA
Title: State Mentoring Chair
Office Phone:
School: Mariemont High School
E-mail: tnerl@mariemontschools.org

Brett Purcell, CAA
Title: Conference Chair, Northwest Rep
Office Phone: 419-673-1286
School: Kenton City Schools

Jeff Merrill
Title: Middle School Rep
Office Phone:
School: Winton Woods Middle School
E-mail: merrill.jeff@wintonwoods.org
2024-2025 OIAAA Executive Committee

Standing Committees
Endowment Committee:
The Endowment Committee is charged with the oversight and management of funds designated for the promotion and professional development of members of the education-based athletic community in Ohio. Funds from the Endowment may be utilized for (but not limited to):
* Student scholarships
* Assistance for state and national conference registration
* Outreach and professional development delivery to members
* Mentorship programs
* Leadership Training instructor training
* Recommendations for utilization of funds toward such objectives will be forwarded to the OIAAA Executive Board for approval. A semi-annual update of Endowment. Recommendations for the distribution of funds will be made at the August and January Board of Directors’ meeting.
Current Endowment Committee Members:
Paul Powers, Chair (OIAAA Past-President)
William Axe, (Retired OIAAA member)
Matt Hutchinson, NW District (current OIAAA member)
Joe Kimling, SW District (next OIAAA Secretary rotation)
Randy King, OIAAA Treasurer
Retiree Committee:
The purpose of our Retiree Committee will be to:
- Collect, organize, and maintain a file of all retired athletic directors.
- Promote the OIAAA and its activities to retired members by including them in the Annual State Conference.
- Offer assistance with identified functions of the OIAAA; these could include, but not limited to:
- Organization, promotion and administration of an Annual Golf Outing (possibly to support the OIAAA Endowment Fund)
- Provide manpower for State Conference functions (e.g., Registration, 50/50 raffles, etc.)
- Provide mentoring and/or training opportunities to membership
- Provide opportunities for retired members to meet – such as receptions and golf Outings and related activities at the annual State Conference.
- Attend Executive Board meetings during the year.
- Assist with Hospitality/Recognition Night(s) at annual National Athletic Directors Conference
- Send sympathy card to family of deceased A.D.’s when notified of their death.
- Submit articles for the OIAAA e-zine.
- Additional engagement opportunities as identified by the OIAAA Retiree Committee
Current Retiree Committee Members:
Glen Gillespie, Chair (Retired), NW District
Tom Farbizo (Retired), E District
Ray Ebersole (Retired), NE District
Rich Craig (Retired), SW District
Mike Schiering (Retired) SW District
Steve Conley (Retired), C District
Steve Rossi (current OIAAA member), SW District
OHSAA Executive Directors:
Glen Gillespie – 2021- Present
Bruce Brown – 2012-2020
Joe Kimling (2023-2025)
Gary Spinell (2021-2023)
Rick Guimond (2019-2021)
Bo Hanson (2017-2019)
Paul Powers (2015-2017)
Tim Erickson (2013-2015)
Matt Shomper (2011-2013)
Tom Farbizo (2009-2011)
Dan Adams (2007-2009)
Mark Princehorn (2005-2007)
Bill Schumacher (2003-2005)
Bill Axe (2001-2003)
Ann Dustin (1999-2001)
Colin Mishler (1997-1999)
Dale Lynch (1995-1997)
Kurt Hansen (1993-1995)
Tim Flannery (1991-1993)
Jerry Schoonoer (1989-1991)
Ed Payne (1987-1989)
Jack Binnix (1983-1985)
Dave Larimer (1981-1983)
Bob Mowery (1979-1981)
Ralph Quesinberry (1977-1979)
Shem Bowser (1975-1977)
Dick Sherman (1973-1975)
John Dunnette (1971-1973)
Larry Peterson (1969-1971)
Bob Purdy (1967-1969)
Nelson Thinnes (1965-1967)
Bill King (1963-1965)