OIAAA Executive Board Meeting
10:00am Regular Meeting
Welcome Guimond
Additional items
Approval of Agenda Motion: Roberts 2nd Gary Carries
Approve agenda
Approve Minutes from March meeting
Motion: Heath 2nd Chuck Carries
- OASSA Report Tim Freeman
III. OHSAA Report Doug Ute
Discussion of OHSAA proposal
- Financial Report King
Insurance cost will increase for members from 35 cents to 38 cents per member.
Financial report included in the April documents for the meeting.
Motion Gary 2nd Chuck Carries
- Reports
Conference Chair Powers
Vendor Chair O’Neal
Nothing New at this time waiting on direction from Gov.
Certification Payne
Awards Shumacher
NIAAA winners will be announced this week
OIAAA scholarships proposing 12 scholarships at approx $300
Motion: Roberts 2nd Beck Carries
Allocate 12 $500 scholarships for the 2021 year
NIAAA State Award of Merit- Joe Roberts
Jon Payne nominated for Kovaleski Award
Citations – No Applicants
OIAAA Award – What to do with 2020 recipients
We could do a video presentation.
2021 recipients need info to Bill by June.
Years of Service – Difficulties getting accurate information- Asking rep to get the
15 year members
Proposing the Awards committees be composed of people currently sitting on the
The SW has asked if they could nominate 5 AD of the Year for 2021 (allowed up
to 4) The membership agreed to allow the SW to have 5 AD of Year for 2021.
Webpage Frombach
Discussion on Gipper and Erich/Glen will reach out to see if they may want to sponsor.
We need to update the calendar or take down the calendar feature.
Erich will pull some analytics of website use.
Discussion about AMP and Retired numbers:
Steve asked if we should contact the list of retired ADs to get them to be a part of AMP and should members activate their AMP memberships.
Newsletter Gillespie
Deadline is 4/30
If you would like to add an athlete to the cover send photos to Glen G.
LTI Gillespie
Summer institute info will come out the week of 4/25
This will be virtually- ZOOM
We are still looking for a newsletter chair- SW has someone interested
- Executive Director Report Gillespie
Focusing on the strategic plan
Will be attending the Section 2 and NEDC
Discussion around the latest OHSAA decisions
VII. Strategic Plan Renner/Roberts
Will be a separate meeting following regular meeting
VIII. Board Reports
Central Rep
May 13 Central meeting at Hunting Park
Minority Rep
Participated in a State wide MADA meeting 45-50 participants hoping to branch
out through the OIAAA. Would like to see a minority focus session at the
Female Rep
Middle School Rep
East Rep
April 30 in person spring conference in cambridge.
Northeast Rep
Northwest Rep
Round table on Wednesday 4/28
Landscape of the NW leagues is changing.
Southeast Rep
Southwest Rep:
June 2-SWOADA Golf Outing 11:00am-Heatherwoode Golf Course. Dinner and Awards follow golf. 156 Current Members
Motion to adjourn Gary 2nd Chuck Carries
Next meeting August 8 at 10:00am at the OHSAA. Conference Planning at 9:00am