Online registration is available until: 4/3/2020 go to to register

We are pleased to announce our spring webinar dates for LTC 501, 502, 504, 506, 508, 625, 700, 701, 706 & 799! All webinars have two sessions that must be attended in order to receive credit.

All participants must sit the required time for both sessions of the class to receive credit. At least one session must be attended live. Refunds and/or credit will not be given to participants that miss both live presentations of the sessions. Click here to view all NIAAA webinar policies.

Each webinar is $125 for NIAAA members and $210 for non-members.

Course Times:

All courses begin at 7:30 PM EST

LTC 501 Wednesdays.    March 18 & 25

LTC 502 Tuesdays          March 31 & April 7

LTC 504 Thursdays        April 2 & 9

LTC 506 Mondays          March 16 & 23

LTC 508 Mondays          March 30 & April 6

LTC 625 Tuesdays          March 10 & 17

LTC 700 Wednesdays    April 1 & 8

LTC 701 Thursdays        April 2 & 9

LTC 706 Mondays          March 30 & April 6

LTC 799 Thursdays         March 19 & 26

Courses will be taught by trained and experienced faculty. Each class will be two-120 minute sessions, taught on two consecutive Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings.

Equipment Needed:

All webinars are taught on the Zoom platform. Please use this link to create a free account if you do not already have one:

Students may take the course via a laptop, desktop or tablet. The course will be visual and audio based. A chat room is available for students to message questions to the instructor and other attendees. Please see the NIAAA Webinar Policies for further information.

Registration & Payment:

Each webinar course is $125 for NIAAA members and $210 for non-members. If you are unable to pay online, please contact

Registration and payment deadline for all classes is due a minimum of 3 business days before the first session. All unpaid registrations will not be sent information on how to join the course. Course manual and login instructions will be sent to you through our system automatically after the payment payment is processed.


Students must participate in both sessions (according to the webinar policies) to receive credit. If you must miss one of the two sessions, you will be required to view the recording of the missed session. If you miss both sessions, the option for make-up will not be given. Upon completing both sessions, you will receive an email with a link to the course evaluation. An acknowledgment of course completion will be made available in the Professional Development section of the member portal once both sessions are complete.

Contact: Nellie Crocker ( 317-587-1450 x4

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