Minutes – Executive Committee Meeting
October 14, 2012
10:00 a.m. @ OHSAA Offices
State Conference Planning Committee:
- The Planning Committee led by Tim Erickson (President Elect) and members of the Southwest District State Conference Committee (Tom Neri, Phil Poggi and Joe Kimling) met from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to discuss the details of the 2012 OIAAA Athletic Directors Conference.
- The Conference will be held on November 11-13, 2012 at the Easton Hilton.
Called to Order:
- The meeting was called to order by President Matt Shomper at 10:30 a.m.
Executive Director: __x__ Bruce Brown (Northeast) District Rep. Central(VM): __ab_ Mike Ferguson
Past President / Program Chair(VM): __x_ Tom Farbizo (East) District Rep. East(VM): __x__ Erik Beun
President(VM): __x__ Matt Shomper (Southwest) District Rep. Northeast(VM): __x__ Paul Moses
President Elect(VM): __x__ Tim Erickson (Northwest) District Rep. Northwest(VM): __x__ Chris Fahim
Secretary (VM): __x__ Paul Powers (Northeast) District Rep. Southwest(VM): __x__ Tim Cook
Treasurer: __x___ Randy King (Central) District Rep. Southeast(VM): __x__ Bo Arnett
LTI / Newsletter Chair: __x___ Glen Gillespie (Northwest)
Awards Chair: __x__ Bill Schumacher (Northeast
Exhibit Chair: __x__ Charles Miley (Central
Special Guest: _____ _____None_________ OHSAA: __ab__ Dr. Ross
Special Guest: _____ ___________________ OHSAA: __ab__ Jerry Snodgrass
Special Guest: _____ ___________________ OASSA: __ab__ Ken Baker
1. Action Items
A. Approval of Agenda:
- A motion was made by Tim Cook (SW) and seconded by Chris Fahim (NW) to approve the agenda. The motion passed 9-0.
B. Approval of Minutes:
- A motion was made by Tim Erickson (President Elect) and seconded by Bo Arnett (SE) to approve the minutes from the 8/19/12 Executive Committee meeting. The motion passed 9-0.
C. Approval of Financial Report:
- A motion was made by Paul Moses (NE) and seconded by Erik Beun (E) to approve the financial report as of 10/13/12. The balance as of 10/13/12 was $58,198.80. (See attached for detailed report).The motion passed 9-0.
2. Information Items
A. Membership Report:
- Randy King (Treasurer) reported that as of 10/14/12 we have 340 paid members
B. OASSA Report:
- No report
C. OHSAA Report:
- Tim Erickson (President Elect) reported on the following from the October OHSAA meeting.
- Out of Season Coaching
- Sent survey out regarding Out of Season Coaching
- Filling the Asst. Commissioner’s Job
D. NIAAA Report:
- None
E. Conference Report:
- The following information was reported on about the State Conference
- 143 members are registered as of 10/13/12
- Please wear Red Shirt on Monday
- Each District should bring $100.00 in Gift Cards for Door Prizes
F. Awards Report:
- Bill Schumacher (Awards Chair) distributed a proposal for up-dating awards.
- Suggested adding Ad Hoc Committee to look at Award Criteria.
G. Leadership Training Report:
- Glen Gillespie (LTI Chair) addressed the following areas of LTI
- Would like to see signage and refreshments for the classes
- Moving around the state to host LTI Classes
- Ask if the OIAAA could pay for his hotel expenses while doing his LTI duties.
- A motion was made by Tim Erickson (President Elect) and seconded by Chris Fahim( Nortwest) that all hotel expenses should be paid for the LTI Coordinator while doing official business for the OIAAA at meetings and conferences. Motion passed 10-0
H. Newsletter E-Zine Report:
- Glen Gillespie (Newsletter Chair) discussed options for the new format of the OIAAA Newsletter. The next newsletter will be about the OIAAA State Conference.
I. Website Report:
- Tim Cook (Southwest) gave an update on the website.
J. Business Partnership Report:
- Bruce Brown (Executive Director) gave a report on the OIAAA Business Partnerships.
3. Discussion Items
- Glen Gillespie ( LTI / Newsletter Chair) will be the 5th delegate for Ohio at the 2012 National Conference in San Antonio.
B. NIAAA Section 2
- A motion was made by Paul Powers (Secretary) and Seconded by Erik Beun (East) that all expenses for the 6 officers attending the Section 2 meeting in West Virginia in June would be paid by the OIAAA. Motion passed 9-0.
C. Ralph and Nancy Young Gift
- A motion was made by Matt Shomper (President) and seconded by Bo Arnett (Southeast) that the OIAAA pay for a gift for Ralph and Nancy Young for their service to the organization. Motion passed 10-0
D. District Reports:
1. Central (Mike Ferguson)
- none
2. Northwest (Chris Fahim)
- Fall Conference at BGSU
3. Northeast (Paul Moses)
- Selected Kent Smith (Orville) and Greg Cooper (Canfield) as the Coordinators of the 2013 OIAAA State Conference.
4. East (Erik Beun)
- Trying to find ways to get members involved
5. Southeast (Bo Arnett)
- Only 17 OIAAA members
6. Southwest (Tim Cook)
- Fall Conference 11/5/12 at Heatherwood
4. Adjournment
A. Next Meeting:
- Sunday, January 27, 2013
- The meeting will be held at the OHSAA Offices
- The Conference Planning Committee will meet at 9:00 a.m.
- The Executive Committee will meet at 10:00 a.m.
B. Move to Adjourn:
- A motion was made by Tim Erickson (President Elect) and seconded by Paul Moses (Northeast) to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 10-0
- The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
C. Upcoming Dates of Note:
Future Meeting Dates:
- Sunday, January 27, 2013 10:00 a.m. OHSAA Offices Conference Planning at 9:00 a.m.
- Sunday, March 17, 2013 10:00 a.m. OHSAA Offices Conference Planning at 9:00 a.m.
- Sunday, May 19, 2013 10:00 a.m. OHSAA Offices Conference Planning at 9:00 a.m.
- Sunday, August 18, 2013 10:00 a.m. OHSAA Offices Conference Planning at 9:00 a.m.
- Sunday, October 20, 2013 10:00 a.m. OHSAA Offices Conference Planning at 9:00 a.m.
- Sunday, January 26, 2014 10:00 a.m. OHSAA Offices Conference Planning at 9:00 a.m
NIAAA Section 2 Meeting Date:
- June 20 – 22, 2013 Host State: West Virginia
Future OIAAA Conference Dates:
- November 11-13, 2012 Host Southwest Site Hilton Easton
- November 17-19, 2013 Host Northeast Site Hilton Easton
- November 16-18, 2014 Host Northwest Site
- November 15-17, 2015 Host East Site
- November 13-15, 2016 Host Southeast Site
- November 12-14, 2017 Host Central Site
Future NIAAA Conference Dates:
- December 14-18, 2012 Place San Antonio, Texas
- December 13-17, 2013 Place Anaheim, California
- December 12-16, 2014 Place National Harbor, Maryland
- December 11-15, 2015 Place Orlando, Florida
- December 9-15, 2016 Place Nashville, Tennesse