The evaluation and on-going assessment of the interscholastic athletic program is a critical aspect of the athletic administrator’s job requirement. Although school culture and community expectations for the success of such programs vary from school to school, the ultimate measure of appropriate education- based athletic programming is the ability to deliver quality, education-grounded lessons which become life-long skills for participants.
As coaches, teams and the overall athletic culture of a specific school are assessed, a well-conceived process which is thoroughly developed through collaboration and clearly defined expectations is best practice. Not only is the reaching of established parameters for student participants an important aspect of evaluating programs, the continual professional development of staff members and related stakeholders as to the mission of education-based athletics is critical.
As part of any assessment/evaluation process, opportunities to establish objectives, determining timelines for benchmarks and review of such goals on a year-round basis make for appropriate assessment expectations.
Coaching Evaluations – Lake High School
Coaching Evaluations – Grove City High School
Coaching Evaluation – Lexington High School
Assistant Coach Evaluation – Lexington High School
Guide for Coaches Evaluations – PSADA
Athletic Administrators Effectiveness Rubric
The value and power of conducting organizational and leadership assessments.